Debra Sunderland Debra Sunderland

You Are The Game Changer!

As you practice each day, you begin to realize you are the chooser of what you believe. Most thoughts are negative, in order to guard you. Do you really need guarding?

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Debra Sunderland Debra Sunderland

To Live with Purpose

When you live with purpose you create a life that you love— a life full of energy, joy, creativity, trust and love. Your energy ignites an amazing outcome that would never be possible if you didn’t have this excitement.

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Debra Sunderland Debra Sunderland

Immunity to Change

We are not “change” people. For all the talk of self-development and personal growth, you’d think we were. Change, however, is not what comes easiest to us.

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Debra Sunderland Debra Sunderland

Love Over Fear & Rediscovering Our True Self

When we give away ourselves to the doing in life - when it overtakes us and we think we have to get things done in order to be okay and be successful - that’s when we’ve lost ourselves.

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Debra Sunderland Debra Sunderland

Content vs Context - What’s the Difference and Why Does It Matter?

When discussing context vs content, conscious leaders know to focus on context. Context covers how we go about discussing the content of a conversation, and the way in which we discuss a topic (context) is almost always more important than the actual topic itself (content). But why is that?

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Debra Sunderland Debra Sunderland

Our Internal Civil War - Part 1

It is our responsibility to either be open and curious OR be defensive and right. To take radical responsibility is to choose how I will be in the world —will I be more curious to learn or am I committed to being right?

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