You Are The Game Changer!

We have 60,000 thoughts a day! 95% are ruminations from yesterday.

What we think on creates our feelings, our behaviors, and our life experience. In the end, what we think on creates our results.

Over 90% of the time, we are unaware of our thoughts! We are on autopilot. So what do you think the outcome is for most people?

Your life is on cruise control and drives you to unwanted places much of the time.

Practice being aware - be present. It is the only way to live the life you most want. To be the creator- not the reactor - of your day, get a hold of noticing your thoughts. Practice each morning for just 5-10 minutes. Mediate. Be still and just notice all the thoughts that flood in. Don’t judge or attach a meaning. Notice how statements just appear. Isn’t that funny! Notice your breath. Stay with your breath. Your breath is always present. Come back to your breath when you get caught in your thoughts. Take three deep, slow breaths.

As you practice each day, you begin to realize you are the chooser of what you believe. Most thoughts are negative, in order to guard you. Do you really need guarding? Our unquestioned mind believes so. Hence we get small results that keep us behind a fence.

Break out! Notice yourself. Slow down. Take time to practice knowing your mind. Question your thoughts when you don’t have peace and joy. Is your negative bias causing you to suffer? Own your thoughts. It will change all of your life!

Reach out to me, if you would like more ways to be present to yourself.

Less stress. More Joy. More peace.

Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.




Thanksgiving - Isn’t It A Matter Of Perspective?


To Live with Purpose