To Live with Purpose

Master your mind! When you live with purpose you create a life that you love— a life full of energy, joy, creativity, trust and love. Your energy multiplies and draws in other people who have similar passions. Your energy ignites an amazing outcome that would never be possible if you didn’t have this excitement.

Step into your whole self. Trust yourself. Love yourself. All of you. Create your next step from a yes - a “whole YES!” If it’s not a “whole YES,” it’s a NO!

Look at your very next step. Does it excite you?

If not, listen for what does and take that next step. Share with others what excites you - what you want to create, what you dream of. Keep talking about it, don’t let it die. Keep stepping into it and exploring. Write about it, act on it, trust that you have a vision that is beyond you. You will do more than you could ever imagine, if you believe in yourself and your dreams.

The world tends to be the opposite - it tells us what isn’t possible. It focuses on the negative. In fact, the human natural bias is to be negative. To go beyond ourself, we must work every day to focus on appreciation and look at what is good.

Instead of living on autopilot, we must question what most aligns with us and step into that. Our fearful mind is always looking for safety, and as a result keeps us from living in our “whole YES.” Out energy is sucked out of us, when we are not present to choosing our life 

Listen to what is good in you. Listen to what is good in others. Get rid of the complaints. Don’t listen to complainers. In fact, to grow your energy, be conscious of what you’re listening to.

Most people aren’t aware of the power inside of their mind, and therefore live small. And if you think about it, you know the power in your mind. You know how it runs amuck and how you can get caught up in your thinking. Listen to your thoughts, are they ones that serve you and that you want to attach to? If not, choose a thought that is kind and abundant.

Choose thoughts that are expansive.

Choose to believe in yourself, and breathe. Breathe deeply. Practice breathing, especially when you are not anxious. Practice breathing every moment. Notice when you are not fully breathing, and then refocus on deep breathing from your belly. Repeat the cycle. Look at what is for you. Appreciate.

Create the life you most want, because no one else will. It’s always your choice, no matter what. Take control of your one, precious life and master your mind. Master noticing what’s in there. We have 60,000 thoughts a day, and we’re unaware of most of them. 95% of them are just recycled from yesterday’s drama.

If you’re not creating the life you want, get rid of those 60,000 thoughts and put new ones in! 😃

The recipe for mastering the life you most want is to know your feelings, listen to them, honor them, appreciate them, welcome them, thank them, and learn from them. Listen to your body. Listen to what it says. Honor what it says, honor what it needs, and master your thinking.

Master who you want to be, in order to live the life you most want.



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