Becoming You - Who You Are Becoming Is Leadership Development

WHO are you choosing to be? Choosing. Without judgment. Just notice you. Notice the ego that shows up to protect, defend, run away, fight, isolate, seek approval, look outside of self for joy and peace.

To be self aware is to be in the moment. Stepping outside of yourself and observing. Who are you? How are you being in the world? Hmmm, isn’t that interesting!

The patterns we create in experiencing highs and lows —and the in between —are just that: patterns. Patterns that keep us safe. These unnoticed patterns are the home base of our auto-pilot thoughts, feelings and behaviors. We hold on to memories and unconsciously react. We get triggered by the past, accompanied by all the feelings. The change formula, however, is to notice and accept where you’re at. To see yourself. Be awake. Sense. Feel. Accept. Love. Pause. And repeat. Over and over again. Notice what you’re not facing when you repeat what you don’t want. What is it that you’re not facing? You will know from your results.

Rejoice that you are like no other! You have all you need inside. Come within. Be your own source. Your own source of security, approval, and control. This is the practice. The opposite of our ego. To be aware of your options, reactions, thoughts, feelings, your being. Just welcome all of you. Be with yourself in peace. Breathe. Notice how you respond to your breath. Feel your heart beating. You are alive! Being present to yourself is your greatest gift.

You are the source of how you are and who you are becoming. You are the answer. The gift!

The Enneagram is a transformational, self-awareness tool. Learn to see your unconscious patterns and beliefs that have brought you to this point - And how these pattens keep you from your whole being and the results you most want. This tool has changed my life and the lives of hundreds of leaders I coach! It is fun to see yourself and grow.

Join me in a limited offering of 14 leaders on November 12, 2020 for a full day of knowing yourself more -and how to lead the life/ leadership you most want! An online retreat for YOU!

Come knowing your Enneagram type. If you do not know your type, reach out to me to be accurately typed by taking a 40 minute assessment via Integrative9.

Step into the leadership of your life! You will be so amazed at your amazing self— and you are so worth knowing.

Sign up here for the chance to register for this event.

My passion and calling is to see you become who you are called to be.

Much love,


Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.


To Live with Purpose


Immunity to Change