The highest fulfilling level of leadership.
def: The called purpose of leadership that creates the highest outcomes in all areas of life and work. The way you inspire, challenge, and see beyond end goals by creating roles for leaders that align with their God-given talents, desires, and motivations. Instilling that each unique calling is met. Yielding joy, peace, and satisfaction that invites a thriving organization and results. The practice is to focus and discover the meaning of who you are and what you are called to do. Masterfully creating your legacy. Imagine your greatest challenges and revenue goals met with excitement and know-how. Living your entire life embodying your WHOLE YES with joy and clarity, versus suffering in your Excellence* {endless striving, exhaustion, never achieving the results you most want}. Thriving businesses can’t be without Genius-Ship®.
*Your Excellence is Killing YouRECOGNIZED IN THE MEDIA
Executive Coaching
Move from excellence to consciousness to genius-ship® while gaining unprecedented results and revenue.
Enneagram & Team Building
This assessment will richly change your life and your company. Results: Leaders are stepping into Genius-ship™.
Speaking, Workshops, & Retreats
Want a radical shift in your culture? Our speaking, workshops, and retreats are the answer.
Culture survey & transformation
Now more than ever the culture of your company is critical. Consciously transform and move from excellence to genius-ship®.

Who is the most joyful leader you know?
Sunderland Coaching specializes in working with CEO’s, Executives, and Leaders.
We empower leaders to shift from unconscious beliefs and behaviors to intentionally creating what they most want.
Download our free white paper on how to consciously transform culture.
employees who quit due to lack of appreciation from leadership
companies who have integrated leadership development
of CEOs have the necessary leadership talent to grow their business
of new leaders fail within the first 18 months

We coach Conscious Leadership tools
in one-to-one and team sessions.
Many of us desire change in our lives,
yet we continue to experience dissatisfying outcomes.
The reason: most of us live with limiting beliefs and patterns that unconsciously run our lives. We are unaware that they hold us back from creating a life that we love. Each moment is an opportunity to awaken to new ways of being that ignite joy, make life fulfilling, and align with what we most want. We can choose to be in our magnificence and work from our genius, but in order to do this we must look at these patterns and self-sabotage. This is the work of transformation from the inside out.

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