Sunderland Coaching’s philosophy is rooted in Radical Responsibility & Conscious Leadership

Debra Sunderland knows what it takes to move from defensive thinking to conscious leadership. She spent her whole life as an overachiever and thanks to a near-death cycling accident, she has made it her life’s mission (and her team’s) to coach CEOs, executives, and leaders to accept their Genuis-Ship® and become the conscious leader that they are called to be in order to be clear to do what they are here to do.

We believe and teach…

The Solution is To Create a Win-For-All

Get out of drama

Discover how to move from blame and defensiveness to curiosity and ownership. Leaders achieve their desired results and raise up teams who are invited to discover what it is to take radical responsibility and create win-for-all solutions. We teach how to create impeccable agreements that end fruitless meetings.

Create A Thriving Workplace Culture

That Yields Higher Productivity

Utilizing Conscious Leadership tools, whether it is one-to-one work or in teams, we teach CEOs how to create a culture of less stress and more joy. To get to the purpose of your organization and support individual purpose.

The results – a thriving workplace culture (more energy, less drama, and deeper connection), that yields higher productivity and revenue. When a company engages and lives in this practice - it attracts both high-level talent and desirable clients.

The Purpose of Sunderland Coaching…

why we exist

Sunderland Coaching Exists to:

  • Prosper fulfilling and high-performing teams

  • Practice transformational communication that ends drama

  • Provide a resilient, aligned, sustainable, and agile workforce

  • Instill a healthy organizational culture

  • End stress, suffering and silos to bring joy, peace and connection 

  • Go beyond fulfilling roles and goals by creating an environment that supports a thriving and curious people—Where discovering one’s purpose (why they are here and what they are called to do in life) aligns with their position.

Debra is a master C-suite conscious leadership coach, a transformational keynote speaker, a change results facilitator, an organizational culture transformer, and a restorative, well-being retreat guide for leaders, and couples.

Create A Culture That Attracts

“The Right” Clients and Employees

Culture is driven by individual leadership. It is what attracts the employees and clients you work with.

How you relate to yourself and others is what you model and becomes your culture. At Sunderland Coaching, we practice these tools in our own lives and use them to work with leaders around the world. Our work supports leaders who want to own their leadership!

Who We Are At The Core…

The core of our coaching is providing practical, actionable, tools that leaders can implement in all areas of their lives. Our clients and their companies become the model of transformation, living lives that align with their purpose, no matter where they are on their journey.

Our clients include RMB Capital, UBS, Highland Solutions, Gamma Partners, Brindley Engineering, Esser Hayes Insurance, Soles for Souls, Charter Construction, SESAC, PNC Bank, and Nashville Public Radio.

Sunderland Coaching utilizes the following

tools for transformation and growth:

The Big Leap and the Joy of Genius by Gay Hendricks

The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer and Diana Chapman

The 6 Types of Working Genius by Patrick Lencion

The Work by Byron Katie

The Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer

The Complete Enneagram by Beatrice Chestnut

Facets of Unity by A. H. Almaas

iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram