Thanksgiving - Isn’t It A Matter Of Perspective?

At the end of each year, most of us start our holiday practices with giving thanks.

I am thankful for my children, Luke and Isabel, who are both seniors in school. It’s not how I would have chosen for them to spend their senior year and their next life changing steps, yet I’m encouraged to see them taking one day at a time. They are doing their best with being here now and planning for their future. They’re even filled with hope and focus! They don’t complain. They accept what is. And they are looking to what they can do right now. What a gift it is for me to see them calm and still; creating the life they want. I do have have fear and sadness at times, when I have the thought that this is not what I want for them. Then I remember it’s not my plan, nor my place to change any of it. When I stay in my lane, I don’t suffer. That’s when I’m able to wonder in my mind, “How is this pandemic for them?” I am just with what is - not resisting (not accepting) or clinging (my way is right or better) to how I think life should be. Therefore, I am present and curious to notice these two amazing children that I am so blessed to have in my life - just as they are and just as the world is right now. This is the gift of pausing, checking my beliefs, and getting rid of the ones that do not serve me. It’s the power to choose how to be.

For my holidays this year, my focus is appreciating all I have now. My life. My growth. My children. My friends. My team. My clients. You. A loving God who is here for us all.

Joy. Peace. Love. We always have the option to choose these. Let’s give thanks each day for all we do have.

What do you want to let go of in order to allow more room for gratitude?

I’d love to hear your thoughts - Please share here!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.



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