The Season of Joy?

Joy! Rejoice! Rejoice means do it again! Why do it again? Because joy is always in you and has never left you. “So where has the joy gone?,” you ask.

Prepare now for your 2021. Prepare for your life!

Joy is covered up by your thoughts that stress you. Frustrate you. Fear you. Your thoughts do this. It is not what is outside of you, it is how you are responding to the world. Master yourself. If you want to have joy, you must master this!

The most amazing thing is that you have the power to choose what your thoughts focus on - and what you create inside of you and then outside of you (behavior follows your thoughts and feelings.) So, if you are stressed - steeped in anxiety, anger, fear, sadness - this is understandable! Because this is where our unconscious mind goes. This is this our default, automatic pilot driving us — So, check your thoughts! Let go of the ones that are not kind to you and make a new path. The rewired path in our mind, science calls neuroplasticity.

Everyday, take notice of which beliefs cause you to not have JOY. Question what that one thought is - let it go, and start to replace it with the opposite of that thought. Remember, your mind wants to create negative reaction to protect you - it is your defense system. Joy does not live in defense. Joy lives in offense. So what will be your offensive play in your mind? How are you planning your day ahead, as you look at your calendar and meetings? What is your intention and your decision to choose joy? See yourself already being in a space of openness, curiosity, trust, and joy. See yourself winning at this! See yourself expanding in joy. Feel the joy existing in your body. Picture the outcomes you’ll create in your relationships when you are in this space of joy. How will your family respond to you? How will your team respond to you? How will they join you?! This is the most important thing you can do as a leader to drive a connected, loving culture and the results you most want!

Remember to take three deep breaths, oxygenating your lungs to relax your body. Then ask “how could the opposite of my stressful thought be just as true or truer?”

When you start to wonder, you start to open your heart, your mind, your soul, your body to JOY again! Go to the place in your mind that brings you joy! Focus your thoughts on what ignites passion, excitement, energy — what wants to be created through you? This is your biggest power. This is the work of transformational leadership. Lead your life this way. Lead your team this way. Practice getting out of the mucky muck. Just notice where you’re at. Love where you’re at. Everything is for you— if you wake up to it, stop resisting, and shift to the wonder of limitless possibilities. How are all people and things for you, instead of against you? Hmm….

Go get the joy that’s already in you and rejoice that you have all you need inside of you — are you ready to make this happen?!

Own your life. Create your life. Choose. Wake up to who you want to become. Take the next step for you right now.

Enjoy this day!



Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life. 


PODCAST: Find Purpose / Lose Stress - on The Business of Intuition Podcast w/ Dean Newlund


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