PODCAST: What Is A Whole Yes? - The Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur Podcast w/ Sharon Wilson

What is a Whole Yes?

From early childhood through adulthood we lose ourselves in achieving ‘tasks', one after the other. Then one day we wake up and wonder where our JOY went.

Drop back, every day, & ask yourself, “What excites me right now?”* “What do I love doing & is this where I'm spending 70-80% of my day?”*

If it's not….STOP, Stop and listen for the match to your Divine Gifts. We're great at being in our own brains but our body is giving us signals all the time. You will lean forward when something is for you.

So listen in today as Debra and I talk about:

        • How we know when we are a Whole Yes

        • What the consequences are when you are not in a Whole Yes state

        • What results say about your Whole Yes

        • How to shift back to a Whole Yes state.


Your Excellence is KILLING You

