
Are you getting the results you want in every area of your life — At work? In your relationships? With your finances?

I don’t know anyone who believes they have everything they want!

And, spoiler alert: Working harder and longer is NOT the way to get you the results you want in every area of your life. Read on to change your life and discover the key to moving past your limitations.

Science has discovered that our brain is wired to focus on ACHIEVING SAFETY. The amygdala is the part of the brain responsible for protecting you. It does this by constantly scanning every situation for possible dangers and threats. In other words, your brain is on hyper alert mode, and always on the defensive — looking for how a person or a situation might harm you. The best part is, you don’t even have to tell your brain to do this. It is a built-in automatic safety feature! (Thank you, amygdala!) And, you are more than this important feature when you are aware of this limiting driver.

When you are not paying attention to your thoughts, the amygdala makes your decisions for you (studies show that’s 95% of the time), and thus you react with defensive behaviors. This leads to disconnected, strained relationships, and negative bias that limits you from achieving what you most want. Then, frustration occurs within you, while you do your best by doing even more of the same and hoping for a new outcome that never comes.

For example, you might say that you want to have more peace and joy in your life, but you are exhausted and stressed more often than not. Or, you might say that you want your team to be collaborative and meet outcomes creatively and quickly, yet you find yourself in useless team meetings filled with drama. The dissonance between what you say you want, and what you actually have, causes you stress.

So, how is it possible to create inner harmony and bridge the gap? The answer: To be present and aware of your inner statements that lead to your limiting behaviors and own them – question them – and choose the opposite – the most significant work of a Conscious Leader.

Science has also discovered that we possess a huge amount of untapped cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and body intelligence. And when these learning centers are aligned and operating in sync, we have the potential for living in our genius — Our unique operating system that creates easeful decision making along with joy. Wow! Who does not want that?! And how do we make this happen? In order to achieve the results we want, and harness the power of that ignored intelligence, we turn to conscious awareness.

The only way we can go beyond our unconscious state of being is to STOP.

STOP the pattern. Stop the madness of doing the same thing over and over again, while still getting the same results. Notice how you are being. What feelings are present? How is your body responding? How might this intelligence be your answer to a different result?

BREATHE deeply. NOTICE and OWN what is really here now. Hmmmm. Get curious. How could there be many options in your decision?

BREATHE and QUESTION how you unconsciously created what you don’t want, and what is keeping you from having what you do want? CAUTION: Making decisions that serve you requires you to pause from reactivity, in order to make space for responsive curiosity.

Conscious Leadership is about becoming hyperaware of when you are in defense mode (our normal unconscious state) and knowing how to shift out of it. Recognizing that you are on autopilot is the first step that puts you in the driver’s seat to choose another path — one that better manifests your desired end goals.

Join me to discover and implement the tools that will shift you to a new way of living, creating inner harmony, and shortening your dissonance. If you truly want to experience change, and are BRAVE ENOUGH to get to the root of what no longer serves you, connect with me today!

Who do you know who might benefit from Conscious Leadership Coaching in 2021? We’d love if you would share this blog with them!



Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life. 


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