You Are a Genius!

Dear CEOs,

You are a genius! It’s true.

You have been created like no other. To live with passion, executing your talents, and creating from your gifted expertise. In this space, you are supercharged with energy!

I find that CEOs lose their energy because they’re doing what they’re not called to do. Why? Because they are fearful or anxious that the outcomes won’t be what they want. So they take on MORE than their responsibility. Stepping into other people’s lanes, instead of trusting their people to do the work that they are responsible for fulfilling. The trust is not there. And when this happens drama is created within oneself and in the organization. It’s not intentional!

Once this pattern is set, it is difficult for CEOs to let go and get into their own lane to lead in their genius. This is a very common pattern that I witness.

My work is always exciting because there’s always drama and the opportunity for me to support leaders in getting out of it 😄.

Ultimately, I provide CEOs the tools to practice taking responsibility for how they want to think, how to move through their feelings (so they’re not reactive and taking on more than they are called to do), and how to get curious to create a win for all solutions by building trust.

Dear CEO, if you want to do less, have more peace and joy, and build trust within your organization reach out to me.

Living and leading in your genius is who you are called to be! Raising your teams for them to take responsibility and live and lead in their genius brings a culture and revenue transformation!

When you are not living in your genius you, your people, and your organization are suffering.

Let’s end the drama together😄. Let’s get clear on your genius. It’s time to thrive! You deserve this.




Learning to Be Curious is the Way to Change Your Results!


Leading in Your Genius is the Only Way to Have Fulfilling Success