Learning to Be Curious is the Way to Change Your Results!

It once was natural… as a child that is what we did. We played. We created. We had fun! We just did our thing.

As a CEO, have you lost your childhood curiosity?

You are not alone.

What I find is that the focus to win and succeed has pushed out the creative mind.


By looking at outcomes and the future.

This focus drives anxiety and the loss of being present.

And being present as a kid is all we knew!

So, how do we go back to being present as an adult?

This is a constant practice!

We wonder about the past or future every 4 seconds.

Coming to what is present is simple.

Notice your breath. It is always present. And your gift of life.

Focus on your belly. Watch it rise and fall.

Notice what happens to the rest of your body when you breathe in. And out.

Breathe fully in. And let your exhale be longer than your inhale. Do it 3 times. In. Out.

Come back to yourself. Right here. Right now. Stay with your breath.

Make this your practice when you are not triggered. 3 times a day. Before you get out of bed. Before you eat lunch. And before bed at night. Set a reminder on your phone to do this.

When you get anxious or frustrated (it is because you left the present moment to be creative and curious) breathe 3 times. Practice. Practice. Practice.

Let me know how this helps you!

Being a kid is letting go of what you can’t control and being here now and learning what you can get curious about.

This practice has changed my life!

To being you and your playful self!




Unlocking Your Growth Potential


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