The Importance of Knowing Yourself

So why bother to know yourself? 

Why study being self aware and practice learning conscious tools to be in the moment?

To me, the answer is simple and everything. It’s the only way to impact the world and obtain the results I seek. 

To be fully alive, and present to the answer inside of me, brings me clarity on what to do and how to be.  This brings peace and alignment within me. And in this place, I am truly able to know someone else and how to serve them. I know how to give what is required on a team and even to the world. 

I become peace, trust, and love. And this practice of being conscious to knowing my thoughts, feeling my feelings all the way through, and sensing my body’s wisdom, reveals the inner power of discovering and living my purpose. And this results in a deep, unending joy. With this energy in place, I am guided to do, connect, and create far beyond living an unaware life. Being who I am called to be and knowing what I am here to do is waking up out of the coma of automatic, reactive, defensive living. 

I am becoming  the change in life, and work, as I know how to live fully in love to myself, others, and the universe. I know the difference in making decisions from love and trust or fear and defense—and the impact they each have. 

Being fully me allows others to be themselves. This is the answer I believe the world is seeking in order to have well-being in our homes, at work, and at large. 
Who are you? Knowing yourself is the biggest gift you can give to you and the world. 

The payoff for facing yourself is tremendous: the more you can see yourself and acquire the habit of self-observation, the more your life will be transformed. (The Power of the Enneagram)

Joy to You,




Are you spiraling up or spiraling down? It’s one or the other — Always.


The Four Questions A Conscious Leader Asks