Are you spiraling up or spiraling down? It’s one or the other — Always.

Fun fact! The protector part of your brain is known as the amygdala, and it's constantly spiraling down...not up. This is your brain's automatic defense system, and how it views the world unless you are proactively aware and awake to changing this automatic system. The brain's unconscious pattern is to believe that something is wrong, someone is not right, and XYZ must be in order to be good enough, etc…Ha! Do you relate to any of this?

Here's the good are able to reprogram your mind like a computer is able to be reprogrammed when it has a glitch and isn’t functioning ideally for ease of the user!

When you decide you are more than the small part of your brain that tells you stories, you become open to operating out of a new system.

The reason you have not created what you most want from your heart in every area of your life is simply because you have not noticed your limiting belief patterns. Beliefs that drive emotion and reactivity — leading to less than desired outcomes — are what a conscious leader reviews and practices, intentionally redesigning a new default operating system. All people are able to do this. This is the work of neuroscience and neuroplasticity.

We are all unaware approximately 96% of the time during the day. The wake up call is in noticing our results. What we truly have may not be what we want, and owning that without blame is the most powerful part of creating the first step to creating a different outcome.

Just for today, will you notice if you are spiraling up or spiraling down? Notice the automatic statements you have already been telling yourself that cause you to go one way or the other. Being self-aware and noticing your thoughts truly is the game changer. Take a few deep breaths and appreciate yourself for pausing and noticing what you truly are believing.

If you’re willing to get curious, you might ask yourself how could the opposite of the statement that is causing me to spiral down be just as true or even truer?

You can even try laughing at how silly your defensive mind can be. Often it makes up so many stories that are simply not real, yet we act as if they are. It's liberating to giggle to yourself about this part of your mind.

Joy is always possible. It all depends on what you believe in questioning your thoughts. Want to spiral up more quickly and learn ways to do so? Reach out. This is my favorite conversation.
You are right where you need to be. And all is for your learning, if you so choose.


Remembering  My Lessons 


The Importance of Knowing Yourself