Stop. What Are We Doing?

To date, the world has seen four industrial revolutions:

 -       Mechanization in the 1700s-1800s

-       Electrification in the late 1800s-early 1900s

-       Automation in the second half of the 1900s

-       Digitalization at the start of the 2000s

Looking back over the history of the various industrial revolutions, let’s consider how the people doing the work are affected. Isn’t this the most important aspect?

Purpose is more than just serving. Transformational purpose comes when each being is required to step into their Genius. Without stepping into Genius for most of our hours in a day, day after day, we lose our joy, our vision, and our gift to our self and the world.

So, let’s make the fifth Industrial revolution about people. Specifically, about how people take radical responsibility to grow and learn for themselves and step into curiosity as to who they are to become in their life and work, and aligning that with their “doing”.

If we look at the wealthiest countries, we find that they are the ones where the people are suffering the most with the most mental and physical illnesses. This has been exacerbated throughout the pandemic! Would you consider yourself, your leadership team, and your company to be winning at “wellbeing” at this moment?

Less Genius = Lower Wellbeing

More Genius = Higher Wellbeing

When we lose who we are to the greater goal of just getting work done, we push ourselves to go far to gain excellence, while at the same time losing our soul.

Striving to achieve more out of fear and competition leads to excellence, but this excellence is killing us. It is killing us as a culture, as a country, and in our workplaces. Toxic fear is the main driver in our companies. But it is not sustainable and it is killing us!

Learning to be aware of our motivation and choosing a new path is the only way to get us out of toxic fear.

Imagine leading your life, and your teams, with more trust, more authenticity, and a greater sense of appreciating who each other is every day.

Imagine a world where all could be said and shared and greater results would occur as people start to step out of their excellence and into their Genius!

Genius is your alignment - what you love doing, combined with your skills and talents. You have lots of energy and creativity to create your gift to share with the world. Most companies believe this is not possible - would you dare to start this shift?

It starts with authenticity and being human. Accepting yourself for having a part of your brain that wants to figure everything out, and make things look a certain way and have a final result. This is the part of our brain that wants to keep ourselves safe and therefore it will always limit us. This is ego/amygdala.

But what if we were to create something from our head, heart and gut? Using all three intelligences (i.e. physical, emotional, intellectual) instead of reactivity which leads us with only one or two options? What if we got rid of the “should”?

It starts with looking at the results you are getting as a leader, in your life, and in your team collaboration (or lack thereof). Are you getting the results you want each day? Or are there battles internally and externally? The battles are an internal state, not an external state. Taking radical responsibility to look at how you are creating the results you don’t want without judgment or blame, but curiosity and wonder, is the start of your transformational leadership.

I ask of you to wake up to this very narrow moment. Get out of the auto pilot state you’re in. Know yourself. Know who you want to become and your strategy to become this person. Is this not the most important legacy you want to leave?

Getting back to your genius requires you noticing when you are not present – when you are going on auto pilot to reactivity. This is my work. Helping you re-discover your genius and living it out in every area of your life.

Let’s raise up companies full of Geniuses, not just managers!

Join me on this transformation and this new era: biomization!

Contact me today if you are interested in getting out of the patterns that keep you from your Genius and how to step in to your purpose!

See the link below for a bit of history. Then let’s make the history that we are most excited about, together.

What the Fifth Industrial Revolution is and Why It Matters:




Winning Without Fulfillment Is Dying

