Winning Without Fulfillment Is Dying

You always have the choice, at any given moment, as to how you will move forward in action. Remember, the ego is always right there trying to limit you. The ego doesn’t realize that There is always enough. The ego makes you believe there is never enough, yet you always have do have enough. Even while you read this, you most likely don’t fully trust this to be true. 

What I mean by the ego (your amygdala) is the part of the brain that is your safety trigger. The ego is the unconscious part of you that runs your thoughts, emotions and actions, leading to the results you may not want. Even the most successful people are constantly combating the limiting thoughts of the ego. The ego fights expansion in love, joy, peace, money, time, relationships, and work. Why? Because the ego is extremely uncomfortable with too much success and abundance. Do you ever notice feeling so much joy in a moment, with your spouse or family and then something happens to bring in a feeling of fear or anger? Have you experienced your team laughing and connecting around a client win - and then your inner voice says, “I’d better get back to work!”? In that moment, you shift from allowing love, trust and joy to toxic fear. 

Most of the time, we are unaware of what our ego is up to, and we go about our day believing that we don’t have enough time, money, talent, support, power…fill in your “not enough” here _____. We find ourselves unfulfilled, no matter how successful on the surface we are. It is a constant striving to get somewhere. In fact, being with “what is” and in appreciation is a rare occurrence. 

I hear, often, from the most amazing, successful and renowned CEO’s and entrepreneurs, “I am not enough” or “I am not worthy”; which is the biggest limiter of all. These leaders that I coach typically don’t just share this belief with anyone else or right away. In fact, they don’t even realize that this is their greatest hidden barrier. It is a quiet, common and recurring, fearful thought that they have lived with their entire life. And only after establishing authenticity and trust they are finally awakened to what has been driving them to their achievements. What they don’t realize is that they are creating suffering inside themselves (unconsciously believing, “when I have enough, and I am good enough, I will be loved and accepted”). There is hope, and a way out of these suffering thoughts. Our work together is breaking through these hidden barriers in order to discover and unify with their Genius — they are equipped with tools that break their limitations which shift their perspective and allows them to live with abundance in all areas of their life. In short, they become Conscious of their Unconscious Limiting Beliefs and are now empowered to become who they are called to be, living a life of purpose, joy and love.

How do I know that the leaders I coach have an abundance issue? It’s because I hear them say:

“I can’t seem to get my team on board.”

“I am up thinking all night about what I should have done that day.”

“I don’t have time to get everything done in a day.“

“Revenue is down.”

“I don’t have time to rest.”

“I have to do this, because I am afraid, they won’t do it right.”

“I am just exhausted. “

“I really want to connect with my wife and children, but I have so much work to do.”

“I can’t stop, because I’m afraid it will all fall apart. “

“I don’t believe it’s possible to get out of this stress. It’s a part of life.”

So, where is your ego limiting you? What is your narrative? Caution: The ego will want to judge you for even considering this. What is your hidden barrier that keeps you from living in YOUR Genius (living the life you are called to -with expanding love, abundance, success and fulfillment in every area of your life?)

This month I celebrate eight years of escaping death. As a highly ranked, competitive cyclist, a national multimedia honored entrepreneur, and a blessed teacher of my children, I was fighting to live after a crash in a cycling race. I was put in a coma, with the hope that I would survive. When I woke up, I had the realization that I had been living most of my life in a coma, (surviving not thriving), living by and believing unconscious thoughts on how to be successful. I was taught to be a winner in everything. Winning meant success. I never questioned the cost of striving to win, until it almost took my life.

From my heart to yours, I urge you to question what you are believing. STOP. What are you truly feeling? Listen to your ego. Where is it limiting you? You have one precious life. Are you living your life to the fullest, expanding in every area with joy and love? If not, you are dying. At any given moment, your life could be taken away. While you are alive, make a conscious choice of how you will live it. You have the power, always, to decide what you want to believe - choose your belief, make it limitless and your life will change. Choosing the thoughts, you want to focus on is winning. What you think, you create. What you focus on is the key to your fulfillment. 

My life was spared to wake you up to yours! MY GENIUS IS SEEING YOURS!

Success without fulfillment is killing you.

Reinventing your business model? What is working and what is not? Build your business on Genius-ship. The secret to fulfilling, engaging, sustainable success. 


Joy to You,



PODCAST: Debra's Story


Stop. What Are We Doing?