
To be in your Genius zone. To create with ease, flow, love and joy. You honor yourself first in kindness. You share generously with the world. You know you are one with yourself and all that you do. You stand in your Whole Yes. You align with your head, heart, body and soul. You look for Genius in others and raise them up into their calling, passion, and purpose. You know there is a greater love holding all of us together. You understand all that is for you, as you look at all results in your life and work as learnings. You rejoice more and more for being fully alive and awakened to your being. Your results are far beyond what you could ever ask for or imagine. You know that what you think (unconscious or conscious) creates what you have, and you have the power to change your outcomes always. Leadership is about Genius-ship.

Joy. Lead in joy. How? Creative energy is only possible in love and in joy.

Consider what you have been told all of your life. Most likely, it is to push and work hard to get ahead. But what if there were another way?

Play. Remember as a child, having fun running around outside and imagining what you wanted to do. And you just did it. You co-created with your friends – and organized so many amazing ways to connect and laugh. You wanted to play all of the time – especially when mom called you to come home. We are wired to dream big; have deep connection with others; build castles; and learn how to build empires together. When the rains and oceans washed away our sand castles – we simply rebuilt them. No complaining. We just helped each other.

What are you dreaming of now? What would be “playful” to you in your role at work?

Choosing to build fun and joy is your choice. Even now. So, check your limiting beliefs of what it takes to be “successful”.

Excellence without joy is suffering.

What if you were created like no other to fully live at such a time as this? Who are you called to be? What is yours do to?

You are here to rejoice! Choosing how you want you feel is your radical responsibility.

Here is what to practice:

1.     Check your auto thoughts that tell you that you “should” – which bring sadness, anxiety and frustration.

2.     Ask yourself, “Do I want to keep telling myself these auto thoughts? Are they really serving my Genius-ship?”

3.     Write down a new thought that is kinder to you and brings the feelings you want to have. Post this new statement to yourself everywhere on a note card. In your car. On your mirror. On your computer. Say it out loud each time you see your new loving thought. Put a reminder on your phone to practice choosing and rewiring your mind (this is called neuroplasticity) to grow your capacity to have more joy and creativity.

4.     Share with your teams what you are learning and invite them to Genius-ship. Start a movement of curiosity, and play. How can work be a place of deep connection of trust, love and more joy?

5.     Be the change you want to have. Give it to yourself first. You have all you need inside.

6.     Reach out for Genius-ship support if you want to shift from excellence to Genius and live your Whole Yes in life and work!

Love and joy to you on your journey!




Stop. What Are We Doing?


PODCAST: Intuition, Your First Sense - with Vicki Baird