Release stress with three deep breaths

As we come into the holiday season, it seems like a perfect time to touch base on the topic of what causes stress and how to get out of it…

In this podcast, you will walk away with tools to move yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually out of stress. 

Without stress, you gain clarity in decision-making and lead your team with more joy and collaboration. 

Learn why deep breathing changes your blood chemistry from high cortisol (stress hormone) to serotonin (happy/peace hormones) coursing through your body.

Take radical responsibility for the one and only you! 

By deep breathing, you will also access a state of being present — crucial for seeing many options (especially when you’re stuck) to create the results you do want.

After you learn about this life-changing tool, share it with those you care about. 

Conscious breathing moves you from overwhelmed and reactive decision-making to trust and clarity choice-making.

Deep breathing has changed my life — and those I work with. I trust this will be of huge support to you too.

More Than A Few Words Podcast Episode #667, CLICK HERE:

“Pause and Take Three Deep Breaths.”

In a state of rushing, stress, and overwhelm, it is biologically impossible to make the most creative decisions and achieve expansive outcomes. Learn this breathing practice to change your life and work. Listen to this concise and practical podcast episode linked above. From Stress to Purpose-Filled Goals: Alleviating stress as a leader is simpler than you believe. Growing your business depends on this.

If you have questions, hit reply and let me know.

Joy to you!






What are you living for?