What are you living for?
I have a question for you: What are you living for?!
I invite you to take a pause.
Take another moment.
You matter.
You are like no other in all of eternity!
That means you are here on this earth, at this time, for a very specific purpose and calling.
No one can be you.
Who are you intentionally becoming?
Who do you want to be?
If you do not have peace, joy, and creative energy every day of your life, you are surviving.
And, you are more than just surviving.
My journey is most likely like yours.
I was driven by winning at all costs. It felt great to win! I was actually addicted to it.
And, there was always an anxiety to keep moving forward, and I had the belief that I couldn’t really rest, or I would fail.
My significance was based on what I achieved, and how I looked to the world.
It took me winning at being first chair violin, high academics, top athlete, President’s Club in sales, national recognition for starting my game changer business in 2008 (making $40-$60,000/day), successfully homeschooling my children, and ranked number 2 out of 998 women as a competitive cyclist-to name just a few accomplishments— before I found myself fighting for my life.
In 2013, everything changed for me. I was forced to rest because I was placed in a coma. My last thought before I had a horrible wreck, “I am going to podium today!”
So, what have I learned over the last 11 years?
Working with the most successful CEOs and business owners - we are really alike. The unconscious thought that worth and value of oneself is by obtaining the next success.
These three questions I have learned to ask these beautiful people I’ve been honored to coach:
Do you believe you are enough just right here and right now?
Do you believe you have enough right now?
Do you know how to love yourself unconditionally?
Do you know what I found?
Not one single person has said yes to any of those questions above.
(if you are not able to answer with a whole body “yes” to the questions above, please reach out to me for 45-minute conversation here):
I get it! As I have made a major transformation in my life to let go of my false identity and come inward and discover who I am and what I’m here to do in the world.
It took a near-death experience to wake me up to the truth-my life is more than winning, and even helping other people win.
And so is yours.
I have learned powerful tools to check my beliefs and be the chooser of who I want to become each day.
And now I live 95% of the time in joy, peace, and creative energy. I’ve learned to feel my feelings all the way through and release them, so they no longer drive me from a place of toxic fear.
I’ve learned that resourcefulness is not outside of me, rather, it’s the way I view myself and the perspectives I have on people, outcomes, and the results I have. I am a very curious learner now!
Pausing to slow down and hear myself each morning — deciding how I really do have enough now, as I consider what lights me up for my day and how can I impact the people I will meet in the day ahead is my practice.
You are more powerful and impactful than you realize.
Your power is choosing what you want to believe about yourself.
Learning to rewire your beliefs - letting go of what no longer serves you—to what does serve you and the people you are blessed to be with. This is a moment-by-moment practice for the rest of your life if you so choose!
This is always the transformational work.
So, I ask again: what are you living for?
If you have the thought, “I just need to get one more thing done before I can feel good about myself and rest” - please reach out to me.
Grab 45 minutes with me to see what’s possible for you, your life, and your work.
My heart’s desire is that you don’t suffer and have a huge wake up like I did. And what I mean by ‘suffer’ is living in anxiety, stress, frustration, sadness, and overwhelm.
The answers are always inside of you.
You are the resourceful one.
You’re in the moment, perspective shift brings the opportunities you seek in every area of your life.
I have been blessed to support the transformation of 1000s of amazing and highly admired leaders. Here’s what a few have shared about working with me:
“Debra has fundamentally changed how I think about leadership, my team, and myself. My leadership team and I started working with her about two years ago. In that time, I've grown into leading from heart and gut - and not just the head. I've experienced more energy and joy in my work. I've learned that the world and events aren't happening "to me" but that my perception of them sculpts my reality. Debra is incredibly empathic, kind, and loving yet simultaneously direct, challenging, and inspiring. I'm proud to say I've shed quite a few tears during and after my sessions with her as I've realized new things or grown in new ways. Our team has a higher cohesion and level of trust than I thought possible in a professional setting. I highly recommend Debra if you have the courage to grow. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.”
Tyler Etters | Vice President at Highland Solutions | Chicago, IL
“I began working with Debra two years ago. In that time, I became clear on my own personal why" and what the true nature of our business is. That clarity has enabled me to lead the organization from a place of curiosity and wondering that has fostered creativity and growth in the business. I am much more focused on the "why" of our business, which is about relationships and connections, than the "how" of our business. As a result, I'm less in the weeds - less stressed, less anxious, and more trusting that "what is" is what "should be." I'm more present to our clients' desires and more conscious of the business dynamics that hold them back and propel them forward. I am more candid, both with clients and staff, and fear less the result of candor, for I know the cost of withholding is far greater. This shift has freed our amazing team to live in their genius - to show up for our company and our clients with all of their abilities. As a company, we stand in who we are much more comfortably today, and we know sooner and with greater confidence when we meet potential clients who will be a good fit. We're protective of our culture and all that it enables, and we celebrate our awesome work.”
LoriLee Sadler Bielski | Managing Partner at Gamma Partners | Bannockburn, IL
“I started working with Debra about 18 months ago, focusing what I thought would mostly be a personal development opportunity. it was all that and more! The way Debra integrates personal and professional was incredibly valuable to me in all parts of my life. But it was not easy. I spent a lot of time being uncomfortable (discomfort with change, with recognizing how certain patterns of behavior showed up, with letting go of certain beliefs about myself and others), but that was the process. And I am definitely a different leader now than I was then, in the most positive way. Debra is a terrific human being and I'm grateful for the work we did together.”
Buddy Teaster | CEO at Soles4Souls | Nashville, TN
Sending you so much love!
“My life was spared to wake you up to yours.” - Debra
Joy to you!