Are you taking responsibility for yourself?
What does this really mean?
Well, if you say you want joy and peace, and to live the life that you most want, I wonder if that’s what you’re creating right here and right now. If not, you don’t have what you say you want and that alone creates stress and conflict inside of yourself.
Do you know how to create sustainable joy, thriving leadership, united teams, and a trusting business culture?
Working for decades with amazing leaders, I notice that they all have been experiencing the same issues— They don’t have the tools to know how to get out of inner drama inside of themself, and with the people in their life.
They all have common results-they are working harder, but still getting the same outcomes, they have misaligned leadership teams, and they experience frustration and anxiety with lack of clarity on how to change the outcomes.
And, there is conflict somewhere in their team. There is lack of growth in some department. There seems to not be enough time and energy.
What I have discovered is that these people are all brilliant and have years of experience and several degrees. They may even have a multi million or billion dollar organization.
The biggest complaint is that there isn’t enough-time, money, clients, talent, revenue, dedication, connection, love, trust, etc.
And, I have a track record of changing all of this for these leaders and their teams.
What has it required to have desired, new results? A willingness to look at oneself, and to get really uncomfortable and face what they been avoiding (to speak where they haven’t been, to hear where they haven’t been, and to get radically curious about how they are unintentionally created what they don’t have. It hasn’t been easy. In fact, it’s been really uncomfortable at times. This is what growth requires. A stretching and discomfort in order to get to the other side. Otherwise, status quo remains.
When it comes right down to it, it’s looking at oneself in the unconscious, limiting thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, that are on auto pilot. These patterns keep running one’s life in every area -over and over.
I teach a new way of knowing oneself. We didn’t learn in school.
It is a dedicated practice that takes time. Yes -the biggest investment you’ll ever make is time, money, energy, and knowing the 96 to 98% of you that is unconscious to your 70,000 thoughts that come randomly to you each day, and how to become self aware. We are all actually reactive instead of responsive to choice most of our moments, unless we are present to ourself.
Do you know how to be present?
Do you know how to come back to being present when you were in the future or the past?
Living in the future creates the unknown fear reactive patterns, and living in the past, creates regret and a stuckness.
Without the investment in yourself, you will continue to waste time, energy, and even the life and work you want.
Experience what it’s like to gain a new perspective and break out of a pattern that’s causing you to suffer (being stressed, misaligned, etc).
Hop on a call with me for 15 minutes and bring your biggest complaint — And let’s face it together! Walk away with a new action step and a new tool to practice.
I want you to live a thriving life. Let’s spiral up together into all that could be possible!
Joy to you,