My Gift to You

December. The Holidays. The end of the year. The parties, family gatherings, presents, preparing, and pushing to get things done!

For many who lead, whether it be a company, nonprofit, or a family, we have thoughts in our minds as to how we want this time of year to be. Thoughts about how we want the year to end, to deem it successful, is usually an unconscious train of thought. With this unconscious chatter running in the background - we find ourselves more anxious, as we try to get somewhere in our relationships and business. 

Also, we look to January 1st as a marker - another chance to do better and finally reach “that goal.” Our current teachings promote setting goals and intentions at every turn, and more so at the start of a year. The unspoken mantra is: there is something we should be achieving and things are not ok as they are.

In all of this, we don’t slow down to appreciate what IS in front of us. Ego does not accept that all is wonderful just the way it is, so we keep striving. 

With that, I ask - will you consider how the end of this year and next year might be different for you on the inside?  Will you notice how you make yourself flustered and uneasy? Maybe you would like to try a kinder, self mantra? Usually, a mantra the opposite of what you normally say, is the shift toward the relief of stress.

Saying that you want more peace and joy - yet do not have this - actually makes sense. Why? We have not been taught to examine the disconnect from what we say we want and what we actually have created. This is the unconscious pattern that keeps us from experiencing that peace and joy we say we want. And, in the end, we are not living our purpose or passion. We are just reacting. 

Living my purpose and passion is helping leaders to reconcile their disconnect, and to live their passion and purpose. My calling is to practice and share the tools I integrate into my own life.

This is why I am passionate about learning how to be more present, and aware in the moment. The more present I am, the more connected to myself and others I will be. Listening to my inner signals - BQ, EQ, and IQ, and trusting that I know what is fully for me - creates inner power, wholeness, and flow. Becoming self-aware is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and to those you love and lead. 

Explore how you create the results you don’t want simply through a lack of self-awareness. Come within to discover how to transform your life and the teams you lead in your organization. You have spent years mastering your craft. Make 2020 the year you master conscious leadership! Know yourself, then align your thoughts and actions to obtain the result you claim you want. The work is in discovering your unconscious ways. 

New Conscious Forums, “Beyond” for leaders, start this winter in 2020. Groups of 6-8 leaders who commit to going deeper and taking responsibility for their results will be invited. Our focus will be shifting out of limiting, unconscious beliefs, and into truly growing the business and teams you want. 

In-person and virtually, we meet 2.5 hrs, once a month, for 8 months. Starting in January and February 2020. We learn and practice together! Join us. 

Nashville Dates: Jan 23, Feb 20, Mar 19, Apr 30, May 14, Jun 11, Sept 17, Oct 15 and Nov 12.
Chicago Dates: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 24, Apr 21, May 19, June 16, Sept 22, Oct 20 and Nov 17.

2 group times available: 9:00-11:30 am or 2:00-4:30pm CST.

Whether you’re a CEO, business owner, mother or student - I invite you to Conscious Leadership via a Beyond Forum.

My gift to YOU TODAY -- Set a 30-minute Zoom meeting with me, wherever you are in the world. Explore what you want to see changed in our discussion. Let’s do this together in 2020!

Schedule this complimentary session with me by January 1, 2020. You can also apply for the forum below.

Beyond. Beyond You. Go Beyond together. 

I celebrate you! May you claim the peace, love, and joy that is yours. 

Christmas Joy!

Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.


Transformation 2020: What do you want to experience?


Being Thankful