Transformation 2020: What do you want to experience?

And so it begins. The year 2020. A new year, a new decade. What do you want? What do you need in order to feel the way you want to? Because behind everything we do...we are always seeking an experience and behind that experience, the feelings that we get from having it. Ultimately, we are seeking joy. And you know, better than anyone, what brings you joy! When you are filled with joy, you  feel like you can move mountains. You feel light and confident to create what you want.

How about this? Just for this moment - drop what you perceive you have to change, do, or fix in order to be enough, happy, successful, etc. Just for this moment trust that you God/The Universe has your back. All is well. Allow yourself a quiet moment, come within, and listen with love. For who? YOU.  

In the Forum groups that I facilitate each year, I always incorporate practices that help leaders to connect with themselves. You can call it meditation, quiet time, reflection, it doesn’t matter what title you assign. Even the most basic practice is promoting loving self kindness, and wellness. Most important - it helps overachievers to slow down and show up each day being clearer - with themselves, others, and what they truly want to focus on. This also serves the rest of the world by making them a kinder, more centered being.

 One of the most important elements in all of this is taking the time to know you, your motivations (fear or joy), what you want and how you are creating it. 

This includes what you are feeling and what you want to experience! Things like peace, joy, renewed passion and creative energy are a major part of the equation (and often overlooked) to getting what you want. Open, expansive and creative ideas and actions occur here. The flip side of motivation is sadness, anger, and fear which creates a low, draining energy, where we find ourselves pushing, striving, and exhausting ourselves. These are two very different experiences - both in your mind and in your body!

The kicker is - YOU get to CHOOSE how you experience your days. Joy is a choice. You are always at choice. Your beliefs and thoughts create your feelings. You act from those thoughts and feelings, and those actions (choices) create the results in your life. 

That being said, let’s get back to that quiet moment that we were about to have...

Transformational Practice for the New Year… A daily time out.

  • Create a daily place to be quiet and keep a dedicated notebook or journal.

  • Set a time for you each morning - 15 minutes to slow down and become quiet.

  • Take 5-10 deep, slow breaths. Keep it simple.  Stay with your breath and come back to it when you are distracted. This slows you down to the present moment.

  • Notice you - your feelings, your thoughts, and your body sensations. What is arising in you? No judgement. Just be with what is.  

  • Journal what you are noticing and becoming aware of. Notice which thoughts you attached to. Notice your reaction to your thoughts. What are you believing about your thoughts? What are you feeling as you write? Anger? Sadness? Fear? Joy? Creative Energy? Allow those feelings to be there - they are telling you what you want and don’t want (EQ).

  • Notice your biggest desires. Just notice. Write them down. 

When you think of what most excites you for 2020 and what you want to create for your life, I want you to begin noticing your internal motivations (fear or joy) - the ones that want to lead you to choices and results you really want. Knowing your motivations is the gold that tells you your truth.

This work is ultimately very different. It requires letting go of outcomes you thought were important, blindly striving to get somewhere (fear motivation) and instead aligning with what is important to you and what you want to experience (joy motivation). You are the creator of what you dwell on and how you spend your energy. Own that you are the creator of your life and results. 

Power does not come from outside of ourselves. Your power is within. 

No matter how many different ways it is said, our true POWER comes from knowing and focusing on what really matters to us, and what we want to experience and feel each day. The core of this power - YOU choose and create your joy! 

Joy. Peace. Abundance. Genius.



Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.


The Energy of Love


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