Being Thankful

I am Thankful! 

As we approach this time of the year and give thanks for all we have in our lives...will you take some time to celebrate your inner being also?

We look outside for answers. For change. For security. For reasons to be thankful. It is how our brain is wired! Our default state is to look outward. 

In fact, science now supports the theory that the part of the brain that scans the world around us for being enough, accepted, and approved of, is completely developed by the time we are two years old. This is our amygdala. It is on defense to give us just what we “need,” and feels at threat most of the time. Ha! This is why we act like a two-year-old at times when we are really triggered. Our brain is designed to be on guard and keep us safe. 

When we advance in self awareness - it becomes a choice to notice our reactive state and take pause vs just reacting. It becomes our responsibility to look at our inner statements to ourselves - and question what the results are of us blindly believing them. Being thankful now becomes a choice - always.

Taking the time to be still and reflect is a powerful, sacred space to give to ourselves. This pause clears the clutter and makes room for wonder, power, and alignment.

10-minute pause: This Thanksgiving - take a few moments for you (10 minutes)to be still, to breathe. Thank your amygdala and your fearful thoughts for wanting to protect you. Then, focus your on thoughts on appreciation for yourself - just as you are - beyond the shoulds and have tos. Dwell on what you most want to create, and what brings you joy. Envision yourself in this space that is a whole yes. Give yourself 10 minutes to steep in these affirming thoughts and feelings. Daily practice of doing the opposite of what your reactive mind tells you is ever you taking charge of the life you most want. And, you become more powerful than you could imagine - as you are the source of change

Pausing is a powerful choice. Noticing your breath is another powerful choice. Stepping into choice is a life changer. Your amygdala (brain) will not go there on its own. It sees no options. Choice is the higher power of your mind to create all you want! 

What do you most want to choose this year? In 2020? Let me know if you are interested in going beyond your daily doing. Beyond the self you now know. Beyond what you could ask or imagine. I have new groups forming in 2020. The Beyond Groups.

I am thankful for your choice to read my blogs and your willingness to take radical care of your mind, your body, and your soul!

Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life. 




My Gift to You


As long as you should, have to, or need to...