Embracing Growth

Life always gives us the opportunity to learn. Active listening to self is where growth always begins!

I am personally struggling with some anxiety this morning, when I believe the thought that I have pushed away someone I am interested in knowing more by revealing my heart and desire.

My critical voice tells me I should not have been vulnerable and shared my heart so openly. And when I really believe that, I notice I am trying to control an outcome by when I speak and how I speak.

Shutting down my heart and not sharing is upper limiting. Limiting my growth to put my heart out there and know that I am responsible always for how I think, feel, and the outcomes I want to create — regardless of how anyone is or isn’t outside of me.

True joy and peace always come from within. When we leave it to others to give us acceptance in order to have peace, we will be like a ball endlessly bouncing on the ocean waves.

So, I picked this book up again this morning, when I realized that I am upper limiting my joy and peace—when I have the thought that I should not have spoken my heart.

When we speak or don’t speak to orchestrate and outcome, it’s manipulation and that doesn’t feel good either. It is not aligned with our authentic self. And we override what our heart is telling us.

We all have fear and moving through fear by loving ourselves and knowing that we are worthy of loving ourselves—no matter what —is the truth and new mantra. I am enough. I have enough. And I am loved right here and right now.

Taking a few deep breaths right now. All the way in. And all the way out. Allowing the fear to pass through my body.

How is this perfect and for my growth - no matter what the other person tells me, I get to practice loving myself?

Listening to your heart and revealing what it desires with your want held loosely is the healing.

When we cling to something we want in order to be OK, we are attached to an outcome and suffer. This sets us up for conditional peace, love, and joy. Our ego, the unconscious mind that runs our thinking much of the time, will tell us that we aren’t enough and that we don’t have enough. Checking this belief and choosing another is the deep way to grow to your potential. Becoming enough is the practice of letting go of what you think you need in order to be loved and to belong.

“The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks shared in this photo is the work to notice how the mind shuts down joy and peace and goes to fear automatically limiting continual peace and joy. We all have an upper limiting problem and there is a solution - notice our limiting patterns to expand our hearts and stepping into something new (that will be fearful because the mind doesn’t like new patterns), and meeting ourselves with love in that fear.

Meeting ourselves with love when we are fearful, is the constant work to the greatness of being ourselves. Our growth is never finished. I would love to hear what comes up for you as I share.

Remember, we're not alone in this journey. If you’d like to talk about how I can support you I invite you to schedule 15 minutes with me.

Joy to you!




Creating a Culture of Belonging


How Do We Practice Active Listening?