How Do We Practice Active Listening?

Dear CEO, founder, and leader,

How do we practice active listening?  

Believe it or not, it starts with you! Learning to practice hearing yourself and what you believe is the foundation to truly hearing others openly.

Practicing being aware of your own thoughts and how they serve or don’t serve you enables you to practice hearing other people's thoughts. And that’s really just what they are thinking. Nothing more, nothing less.

Thoughts are powerful. They bring our emotions, our behaviors, and in the end our results.

How we listen to ourselves, and what we truly believe about ourselves is an opportunity to be more compassionate and kind to oneself. Once we can master this, we do not feel threatened when we hear other people share their thoughts. We can also hold a compassionate place for others when they share.  

So why become an active listener? Because it will change the relationship you have with yourself and others. You’ll also see your business change and grow since we know business is built on relationships.

Reach out to me to let me know what you’re learning as you listen to yourself! I look forward to knowing you more. I encourage you to grab to 15 minutes with me to practice actively listening to yourself.

Joy to you!




Embracing Growth


Empowering You to Thrive in Life and Work