Creating a Culture of Belonging

CEOs, founders, and leaders,

With a lack of engagement and people craving purpose, how do we truly create a culture of belonging?

Here are three tips on how to create a culture that invites your people to join you in creating new outcomes while deepening relationships—

1. Get curious. Especially when results are not what you desire, ask yourself how you might have unintentionally created this.

2. Create a learning culture. Having a growth mindset requires believing that even the unwanted outcomes are for your learning.

3. Listen and say “Thank you.” Be cautious not to fix but just hear. Make time every month to invite your people to share what’s on their hearts and minds for 10 minutes. Listen without judging. Get curious about what might be true about what they’re saying. And say nothing more than “Thank you.” The answer to many problems is just being heard.

Remember, we're not alone in this journey. If you’d like to talk about how I can support you in creating a culture of belonging I invite you to schedule 15 minutes with me.

Joy to you!




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