The Power of Our Decision-Making

Amazing CEOs, business owners, and leaders,

I appreciate all the hard work you bring to the table every day. And, I would like for you to work less and have more!


By becoming a master decision maker.


Because decision-making is the most important step to get the results we want.

Of course, this makes sense.

But, we have not been taught how to make the best decisions. Being aware of our automatic limiting decision-making is a game changer. This is a practice every day.

If you’re like me, you make 33,000 decisions in a day! Yikes.

And, we are unconsciously making decisions 96-98% of the time. That means we are in the future or in the past, not the present, when we decide on our next action steps. This is the way our brains are wired. This is true for everyone.

So what does this really mean?

When we make future decisions, and we are not present to what is here right now, we are not looking at all possibilities in the moment. In fact, since we can’t know the future, the unconscious mind typically thinks of what could go wrong, and it plans for defensive action steps. Defensive thinking does not lead to expansive results! This is how we create small outcomes.

When we are in the past, the unaware mind automatically goes to decision-making based in judgment and resentment. “Would have” and “should have” thoughts drive decision-making in this place. Unfortunately, we will get the same results that we’ve always been getting when dwelling on the past.

In coaching CEOs, business owners, and their teams we focus on how to be present, so we are able to think of many options that wouldn’t have been considered before we make a decision. We ask, “What are the greatest opportunities” and dream really big! The unconscious mind does not want change, so it will continue to bring up future or past thoughts that you’ve already been attached to acting on. The unconscious mind will fight you against growth and argue for keeping your limitations in place.

Trying something new is not readily available to us unless we are aware of our set mind patterns that keep us stuck.

Change is required for growth, new thoughts, and new action steps. This will be scary! And you want to be really scared, in order to make a NEW awesome step!

Being uncomfortable is a necessity in order to grow into new and wanted results. I repeat. The more uncomfortable you can be, the more growth you will have!

Let’s make this the best year yet for you and your business!

Gain more time and the results you want with more peace, purpose, and less stress!

Get on my calendar to grab some time together!

We can talk about a process that will help you make decisions that lead to abundant results. So bring your complaint and limiting outcomes.

After we meet, I guarantee that you will gain a new perspective and action step that will change your results!

Your decision-making is your powerhouse. Let’s master how to make the best decisions for your well-being and business growth.

Joy to you!




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