Communications - A Leadership Barrier

According To A Recent Survey, 78% Of Participants Improved Their Communication By Understanding Their Enneagram Type*

What are leadership barriers? They are ways you limit yourself, and they keep you in the cycle of being a stressed overachiever. The only person who can break through these barriers is you.

Recently, I was reading The Enneagram in Organizations Global Survey and according to the survey, using the Enneagram for leadership coaching and leadership development produces leaders with skills and qualities that are challenging to teach: empathy, resilience, integrity, clarity, humility, and enhanced communication skills.

As an IEQ9 Practitioner and Executive Conscious Leadership Coach, I know that among the many benefits of the Enneagram are self-knowledge and communication. When you are equipped with better tools, you naturally excel. The Enneagram and Conscious Leadership combined are the greatest transformational tools to go beyond, fully become who you are meant to be, and do what you are here to do. 

Want to Be A More Impactful Leader and Have Harmonious Teams, Then Become Self-Aware

When you become more conscious of your inner workings, you move away from defensive thinking and decision-making to knowing how to create win-win situations for all.   

Enneagram typing highlights how a leader constricts possibilities or limits their vision based on common challenges with their type. It is a natural way they see the world. Most never stop to consider other viewpoints - until they practice new ways of being a leader. 

When I work with leaders and they discover the primary motivations that run their behaviors and decision-making, they start to become self-aware. They are empowered as they realize they can choose the way they want to be with the world around them.

Move From A Constant State Of Stress By Responding, Not Auto-Reacting

If you want to continue to climb to the head of an organization, or are a leader who wants to move from a state of constant stress, then you must learn to respond versus auto-react. We all need tools for when life and work are not going as planned. It’s the inner path that leads to not just great, successful leaders but fulfilled ones. These are the types of leaders that organizations seek out.

The work of the Enneagram is not just knowing your leadership type. It is also noticing what works well and has brought you this far. By understanding and incorporating other views (integrating all 9 types) it allows you to move beyond where you have been.

Each of the 9 types utilizes the head, heart, or gut to source security, control, and support. Leaders who learn to use all parts of their intelligence (IQ, EQ, BQ) can know themselves on a deeper level and discover their Genius.

An Integrated Leader Is A Fulfilled Leader

When a leader is integrated, they connect with and fully support their teams, and make more effective decisions.

Being conscious of your thoughts, emotions, and intuition – especially when you are triggered – guides you as a leader to deeper personal and professional growth. This is also the foundation for building a culture of creativity, curiosity, and solutions that stick.

Self-awareness and growth, utilizing consciousness and the Enneagram, can become infectious within an organization. As leaders become more engaged and support and empower others’ growth, it allows for a new culture to be birthed.

The result is: everyone within the organization learns to give and receive feedback via their Enneagram type. This is critical for open communication and moving through conflict.

When an organization and a leader blend Conscious Leadership tools and the Enneagram system, it allows them to lead beyond fear-based decisions with lackluster results to an experience that is filled with purpose-driven spectacular outcomes.

The survey also showed that Enneagram, “has over 72 benefits in organizations. The strongest benefits include substantial increases in these areas: self-knowledge, relationships, empathy, communication, well-being, respect and trust on teams, and empowerment.”*

When considering new tools to improve the growth of their business, leaders, CEOs, and founders should consider looking within.

Debra Sunderland 

As an IEQ9 Practitioner and Executive Conscious Leadership Coach, Debra supports CEOs and their teams to transform and become self-aware leaders who desire to be the change in leadership, in order to achieve the results, they most want. She guides CEOs and their teams to end blame and drama and live fully in their Genius.

To discuss one-to-one coaching, team coaching, Enneagram assessments, workshops, or a custom Conscious Leadership program and culture you most want, click here.


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