You Want To Unleash The Leadership Potential In Your Team? Do This One Thing Today.
Your business will only go as far as you go. I know you are stressed because I have been there. You believe hitting that next goal and being the overachiever will get you what you want, grow your company, find the talent that you need, and spiral up your revenue.
Let’s be truthful…it isn’t. And, it’s not getting what you truly want. In fact, it’s costing you rest, health, relationships, time, trust with your team, and most of all focusing on your legacy.
You have been motivated by reaching that next goal, instead of being the Conscious Leader that operates from a deep knowing of yourself…
So, are you ready to do that one thing today that will begin to change your world and business?
Ask this one question:
Where am I?
Am I present, or am I in the future or past? Just noticing where you are making your decisions from is the biggest opportunity to grow. Your mind cannot know the future, so it becomes anxious and makes up stories to keep you safe. In that space, it is impossible to think clearly and get optimal results. In the past, there is resentment, frustration, or a holding on that keeps leadership from moving forward into clarity with joy and creativity.
I know you are ready to do more than just one step to be a Conscious Leader.
Tyler Etters | Vice President – Highland Solutions – Chicago, IL “Debra has fundamentally changed how I think about leadership, my team, and myself. My leadership team and I started working with her about two years ago. In that time, I’ve grown into leading from heart and gut - and not just the head. I've experienced more energy and joy in my work…”
I take people through her three-step process to move from overachiever to purpose lead-conscious CEO. The tangible results of coaching are:
You will discover your hidden thoughts and behaviors, that are not helping you achieve your goals
You will identify three areas you want to be different and will walk away with an action plan to create new results
You will become clearer on who you are called to be and what you are here to do
The ultimate result of this work is:
choose success with peace and inner alignment
prepare and focus on creating your legacy
know how to lead impeccable teams
participate in relationships that are filled with joy and meaning
learn how to stay in your lane and raise a trusting executive team that takes responsibility
trust that you don’t have to be the one to do it all, and pick up all the dropped balls
be aware of what sabotages you and break the patterns
acquire the skills to end your day feeling rejuvenated vs depleted
learn how to say no and only do what you are responsible for
discover how to end wasted meetings and gain hours back into your life each week
move from anxiety and frustration to clarity and peace
It took a near-death experience before I took the steps to move from a stressed-out overachiever to living a life on purpose and with joy.