Being Thankful is About Perspective

Dear Ones,

As we approach this time of the year, most of us start our holiday practices with external thankfulness. Will you take some time to celebrate your inner being also?

Typically our search for answers is external. For change. For security. For reasons to be thankful. It is how our brain is wired! Looking outward is our default state.

Taking the time to be still and look inward is a powerful, sacred practice to give to ourselves. This pause breaks the default system, clearing the mental and emotional clutter and making room for wonder, power, and alignment.

The more present we are, the more we become aware of our reactive patterns. Taking a pause empowers us to choose a friendlier way of being with ourselves. Our responsibility is to observe our default inner statements and question whether they are true. Doing the masterful work of questioning your thoughts is the gateway to freedom and joy.

Science supports that our brain is wired to defend and judge in order to keep us safe. Remember, that you are always more than this part of your brain and its limiting beliefs.

For the holidays this year, my focus is on appreciating who I am becoming.

Joy. Peace. Love. In the present moment, we always have the option to choose these. Let’s celebrate that we have the power to be the answer that we seek.

I’d love to hear your thoughts - Please share here!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Joy to you,



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