Why Am I Passionate About My Work?

Dear CEOs and business owners,

Are you spiraling up into more joy and success?

Is your team thriving and creating win-win solutions with clients and internally?

Are you growing in collaboration and trust?

Do you have a drama-free, gossip-free culture based on understanding, compassion, and clear agreements?

If you are not spiraling up into joy, trust, and collaboration, there’s no blame or shame. I’ve found this to be true with 99% of the companies I work with.

Let’s face it. We haven’t really been taught how to deal with conflict, how to align with others so that everyone is winning, and how to think beyond just our own perspective.

Getting out of our own way and creating new behaviors to bring new results is the only way to achieve the outcomes we desire. Our behavior stems from our focus, which shapes our feelings and actions. Are you practicing self-awareness so you can make new choices?

This can be scary.

Trying something new is not something the unconscious mind likes.

So, I invite you to embrace discomfort to grow and create new solutions.

My expertise and purpose are to support leaders in practicing looking at many opportunities instead of just one way and then shifting how they create and implement new results that benefit everyone involved.

My purpose as a conscious leadership coach is to help you move beyond blind spots that create repetitive outcomes. Lean into my role as a trusted advisor and coach.

It’s just like when I wanted to become an excellent competitive cyclist. I found a coach who had achieved massive wins and loved the process. My coach strategized with me and challenged me to push beyond my limits. I enjoyed achieving wins and learning at races, made possible because I had a coach who had succeeded before me. I trusted him for his experience, wisdom, and openness to co-create my plan.

Do you want to achieve more while doing less and feeling energized?

Do you want to have a unified team that’s thriving and winning?

Do you want clients to sense something different about you because of how you listen and have more peace, joy, and clarity?

Revenue thrives when people thrive! This is the bottom line. There is no way around it.

My CEOs and key leaders take radical responsibility to be vulnerable and authentic while committing to growing teams that hear each other and listen to understand.

What are you committed to, consciously or unconsciously?

Results always show what you are truly committed to via your beliefs. When you get a result you don’t want, always come back to your belief system that is holding you back from the outcomes you desire. Then ask, how could the opposite of my belief—the very opposite—be just as true or even truer than the belief that brought me what I don’t want?

Write it out—the thought that is keeping you stuck. Then write out as many opposites as you can find. Consider how the opposites could serve you better.

What would you like to focus on in the last half of the year to move the needle in the direction you desire?

If you want support in exploring the beliefs that are keeping you trapped, click here to schedule your complimentary 45-minute call! Remember, your blind spot patterns don’t want you to change and try a new path. You can’t see what’s limiting you because it has served you to some extent but will not get you what you truly want. I will help you see your blind spots and the steps forward that will change your outcomes.

Don’t do it alone!

Joy to you!




Change is Uncomfortable


Maximize the Value of Your Team