Do You Lead a Thriving or Surviving Organization?

Hello amazing leaders,

Results speak volumes about our commitment.

My experience is that it is not uncommon to find ourselves yearning for something different than what we currently have. And, the conscious leader, in this scenario, takes a moment for introspection, exploring how unintentional actions might have shaped the present outcomes. This curious pause is the first necessary step to create a new result.

What is the pivotal factor? Decision-making. This makes sense, right? Where we focus our beliefs during this decision process can be a game-changer for the end result. In the moment of deciding there are two options. We are either acting on autopilot, reactive, limiting decisions or we are being self-aware, and curious to many possible decisions. One creates small results and the other limitless.

Consider this: Are you in a state of thriving or merely surviving most days when you are making these important decisions?

Here is how you know:

Survival often leads to scarcity and unfulfilled outcomes, driving a constant race to do more, due to the belief that there's never enough of something. Anxiety and frustration are felt here. On the contrary, thriving brings creativity, joy, and limitless possibilities, fostering an inner peace that welcomes surprising growth. Which one are you experiencing?

Creating a thriving culture necessitates a shift away from scarcity thinking. The persistent belief in not having enough time, money, clients, or energy hampers the ability to thrive. So, how do we make this shift?

As we plan for 2024, let's delve into what it takes to cultivate a thriving organization. Consider the development of both yourself and your teams, by identifying areas of clarity and growth, as well as areas lacking. No blame. Just getting curious to wonder at the point of decision-making was there limiting or thriving beliefs at play? What can be learned? And what are the patterns that lead to the results?

Uncertainty often breeds anxiety, and what we tolerate we get more of.

To thrive in 2024, it's crucial to gain clarity and release what no longer serves our growth. That means doing the inner work of knowing the fearful, controlling mind that blindsides optimal results, and practicing shifting to new perspectives and action steps.

Conscious leaders play a pivotal role in fostering thriving lives and organizations. In contrast, unconscious leaders inadvertently breed reactivity, wasted time, energy, and conflict. The cost of drama in your life deserves consideration. Getting out of drama creates opportunities for genuine thriving.

Becoming a conscious leader involves questioning your beliefs, particularly those driving you to do more, and thinking it is never enough.

Take a moment to pause, breathe deeply, and connect with your inner self, especially in moments of frustration or anxiety.

Here are four practical steps to embrace conscious leadership and thrive in 2024:

  1. Listen to Your Heart: Identify what brings you joy and expansion in your personal and organizational growth. Notice what brings you anxiety and frustration. Bring love to meet you where you’re experiencing a lack of peace. Breathe deeply. How can you know yourself more without judgment? You are not your fears. You are not your thoughts. You are just a human being having an experience in the world and you can choose how you want to experience living here.

  2. Morning Self-Care: Dedicate time each morning to envision your day, reflecting on how you want to feel and show up. Decide that you will pause to breathe more deeply and not react when you are in a state of fear, sadness, or anger. Allow feelings to pass through you all the way. This only takes up to 90 seconds and avoids triggered decision-making.

  3. Know Yourself: Thriving requires self-awareness. Ask, who do you want to become? What beliefs do you have that will sidetrack you? How could the opposite of this previous sidetracking belief be even more true? You have the power to choose. Dream big and go beyond yourself!

  4. Pause and Reflect: Regularly ask yourself if you have enough in this very present moment, what might be possible in both your work and life?

Invite this introspection to your team! What would this look and feel like if this was the main focus for you and your team? Would your team be more excited, courageous, and engaging? What would it feel like to lead a team of this caliber?!!

In conclusion, it is important to notice where your unconscious mind may limit you. A part of you may believe that shifting is not possible. If so, remember that you are more than your thoughts and emotions! It is a constant reminder to not let these limiting beliefs hold you back. In fact, you can make a conscious choice to adopt a new empowering belief.

What do you want to create for 2024? I would love to know!

Knowing your patterns that limit you and learning how to shift, is the way that you will achieve what you seek.

I am committed to supporting leaders to thrive. My expertise is helping teams shift from patterns of survival to thriving. I do this by providing 6 conscious leadership tools that shift limiting beliefs, drama, anxiety, frustration, and unwanted results.

Reach out to me to discuss your most important shifts for 2024.

Here's to thriving in 2024 😄

May joy and peace abound in every moment!




Celebrating The Gift That You Are


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