Entrepreneurial, Conscious Leadership

When we “have to arrive at an outcome,” our mind is searching for a very specific way to get there. Searching for a future answer is the mind’s way to limit you into safety and will never lead to abundant growth in any area of work or life.

When you are planning for the future, it is really important that you are grounded in stillness. Breathing. Noticing what you’re feeling in your body and sensing. Coming from a place of presence -we feel expansive and curious. There are no limitations when we are present to just being fully right here. Creating an inner place of security based on oneself being enough, and having enough, in the moment creates the possibility to dream from the heart for the future. The future will then be seen from what is exciting and joyful. Enoughness, in the moment is one’s own inner work - you are your own security, approval, control. The never ending self awareness work of knowing what you truly believe unconsciously that triggers a domino of reactivity enables you to practice choosing where are you will make your decisions from- trust or fear. Self awareness moment by moment is the game changer. Breathing deeply is the healer of a reactive mind.

This is the work of an entrepreneur. To slow down and to be very present allows the body, heart, and mind to breathe into the very now moment. Until you are at peace with yourself and free of the push of fear (the mind that has to know something, in order to feel safe) do not make decisions. Wait for your whole self to settle down to create responsive action out of choice versus automatic, egoic reactivity.

Take 3 deep breaths. All the time. Move your body. Think of 3 good things. Mediate to be still in your egoic patterns. Notice when you’re in your pattern and feel what is there for you. Allow feelings to come up through you, in order to release the pattern. Triggers come up because they’re ready to be released. Life gives us the opportunity over and over again to heal ourself and get out of our reactive patterns. Thank yourself for noticing and be kind to you.


Joy to You,



The Four Questions A Conscious Leader Asks


Debra Sunderland, Dr. Craig Beach, and Stephanie Robinson Of Work Your Purpose: Why You Need To Take Radical Responsibility