Are you showing up as the Hero in your business?

Hello amazing leaders,

What has changed for you in terms of getting the results you want?

Most executives that I coach end up taking on more than their responsibility. We call that “heroing” in Conscious Leadership.

Here’s how your “Hero” shows up…temporarily calming your nerves by taking on someone else’s roll or responsibilities to get things done the way you want them but secretly you know that won’t fix things in the long-run. In fact, you’re actually perpetuating people not doing what you want them to do because you taught them that you’d swoop in and save the day.

There is no blame here. It’s just noticing your unconscious saboteur is driving you.

How is this sabotage?

When you take on more than your responsibility, you are unconsciously saying to the person that is supposed to fulfill the role that you don’t trust them and you believe that you can do it better. And of course you don’t say that in words, but in action.

Eventually, the relationship you develop with the other person is a lack of trust and they unconsciously respond by not fulfilling their role completely because they believe you are going to step in and do it anyway.  They become less engaged and discouraged. You become frustrated as to why you have to fix everything and take it on yourself. And around and around you go. The drama triangle in action!

If you can relate to any of this, reach out to me for your 15 minute call.

Let’s talk about what’s causing you to take on more than your responsibility and how to take one step that might relieve your anxiety or frustration.

Practicing noticing your drama patterns and knowing how to get off of the drama triangle develops a whole new pattern with your team as well.

Learning to take radical responsibility (just you’re 100% -not less than or more than) to observe your thoughts, your feelings, your behaviors, and your results is putting you in charge of being the change agent.

And, wouldn’t it be great if your team also took their hundred percent?! As the leader of your organization you unconsciously model what’s acceptable.

Also, this is the only way to develop an engaging culture with more clarity and joy -leading to projects completed on time, and more revenue.  

Be responsible to notice when you’re on the triangle. Accept yourself for having the same brain as everyone else—one that wants you to be safe.

But safety keeps you stuck. And you are more than your patterns. My genius is seeing your unconscious patterns and helping you get out them.

Growth requires discomfort in setting new patterns. Are you willing to be uncomfortable?

Set your time with me now to process an old pattern and create a new one.

To your growth!

Joy. Peace. Love.



“My Genius is Seeing Yours.”


How are you unconsciously creating a win-lose organization?


Thriving Leaders Are Present and Intentional Each Day