Be Where You Are

Be where you are.

Notice your entanglements. Your resistance. Release it. Open your hands. 

Mindful of your body senses. What is your body feeling? 

Notice your breath. Stay with your breath. 

Loving awareness. Quiet yourself. Take in a full breath at this very moment. 

Freedom is really always there inside of us, once we wake up to it. When we question our recycled thoughts (the panicky, suffocating, self-sabotaging talk) and choose to say, believe, and act on their opposite, freedom is ushered in.

Meditating on a joyful state. Joy is open, present, expansive, and curious. 

Embrace your personality and how it serves you. Appreciate this aspect of you just as it is - right here, right now. Hold compassion for this persona that runs you in fear, when you are not awake to it. Connect to the freedom from self chatter. Breathe, in and out, let the chatter go.

Being conscious is to fully play in life. Real awakening is being with what is. 

Notice the range of thoughts and emotions that come to you in a given day. The Goal - to be present and not to take life too personally or seriously. Be a curious observer.

Fear, sadness, and anger are protective energy. Let it come through you, as it comes. Let go of the thoughts attached to the feelings. What are you holding onto? Notice past patterns. You are not your patterns. Let it all go.

Rest. Rest on the ground of your awareness.

Thoughts are like thieves in an empty house. You choose the thoughts that will inhabit and dwell in your home. We are either aware or run by the “stuff” in our heads. Waking up to this - over and over again. This is the work of being present.

Whatever goes on in the world outside of you - let it be and stay present to your life.

Wherever you are - be where you are.

Debra Xxoxo

Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.


Stay In Your Lane-Part 2


The Enneagram: Why Choose This Leadership Typing System?