The Enneagram: Why Choose This Leadership Typing System?

When the leaders I work with discover the primary motivations that run their behaviors and decision making, they start to become self-aware leaders. They are empowered, as they realize they can choose the way they want to be with the world around them. How to respond versus auto react, when life and work are not going as planned, is the inner path to personal responsibility and being a most desired leader. 

Enneagram typing highlights how a leader constricts possibilities or limits their vision, based on common challenges with their type. It is a natural way that they see the world. Most never stop to consider other viewpoints - until they practice new ways of being a leader. 

The work of the Enneagram is not just knowing your leadership type. It is also noticing what works well and has brought you this far - incorporating other views (integrating all 9 types) so you will go beyond where you have been. 

Each type sources security, control, and approval from either the head, heart, or gut. Leaders who learn to use all parts of their intelligence (IQ, EQ, BQ) are able to know themselves on a deeper level and discover their Genius. Integrated as a leader - they connect with and fully support their teams and make more effective decisions.

Being conscious of our thoughts, emotions, and intuition - especially when we are triggered - guides us as leaders to deeper personal and professional growth. This is also the foundation for building a culture of creativity, curiosity, and win-for-all solutions. As leaders, we become more engaged while supporting and empowering others’ growth. Our teams learn how to give and receive feedback given their type. This is critical for open communication and moving through conflict!

As an IEQ9 Practitioner and Executive Conscious Leadership Coach, I support a transformational, self-awakening leader who desires to be the change in leadership, in order to achieve the results they most want. 

Experience Conscious Leadership tools that will lead you Beyond where you have been...and take you Beyond where you want to go. 

Let’s discuss one to one coaching, team coaching, Enneagram assessments, workshops, or a custom Conscious Leadership Program! Co-Create the leadership and culture you most want. If you want to end blame and drama and live fully now in your Genius, reach out to me.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Debra Sunderland xxox
Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.


Be Where You Are


The Energy of Love