Your Leadership: The Heart Of It All

My genius is seeing the genius in YOU.

I see how even the MOST successful leaders keep themselves from stepping into who they most want to become. They have achieved so much, yet there is a hidden barrier that keeps them from having fulfillment and joy. My work with leaders intentionally shifts them from losing their life while winning, to breaking free and owning their Genius Leadership of purpose and passion that awakens their clear vision.

As a strategic visionary shifter and results game changer, I provide Conscious Leadership tools that are life-giving and legacy-worthy.

Are you asking the questions that matter most?

Are you pausing to wonder if you’re living the life you’re called to live?

Is your leadership based on conditional or unconditional acceptance, trust, and love?

How you see yourself is how you see others – and how your culture will unfold. Your organization can only go as far as you go. Let’s get real and go beyond ego, which is the limiting part of our brain called the amygdala.

John Mackey, Co-Founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market, quotes the famous singer Tina Turner’s question, “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” as he discusses how love and care must be integral components when creating a culture of trust in teams.

Mackey explains:

“In thinking about organizations… we kind of think about ‘well, we’ve got to be tough here, we’ve got to make the hard decisions’ and so there’s really no place for love... When people say that, it really just reflects the lack of love integration in their own being. It’s kind of a leadership failure that they have not been able to grow enough as human beings to let the whole self in to the work place. The whole self is a caring, feeling human being who is also highly competent and able to do the work and fulfill the goals. We need both!”

“We need to promote leadership who have self-actualized enough to be comfortable with sharing and expressing love and care.”

“You’re not going to be able to create a high-trust organization unless you are also willing to create a high love and care organization. They are linked at their very core!”

Watch the full clip here:

Imagine a culture where the heart and soul are celebrated – where we no longer robotically push ourselves to just “get things done” for 10 or 12+ hours a day – exhausting ourselves. Most leaders suffer and create organizations that suffer (where everyone is scrambling to be “enough” by doing enough.) Realizing that we will never fulfill being a radically responsible, joy-filled culture, if we mindlessly go about leadership as we have been, is the greatest start to change.

So, where are you on your journey to thriving leadership and engaging talent?

Conscious Leaders start here by asking:

How am I loving myself and others?

What’s keeping my mind in stress?

Conscious Leadership looks at how you are showing up for yourself and your organization without judgment, and it breaks you free from limiting results in all areas of your life. Choose who you want to become by waking up to now – face what is here. Pause. Breathe. Give yourself appreciation for being you and being right where you need to be in this moment.

The ability and willingness to see what you don’t see, in order to orchestrate the behavioral changes that come from your heart, mind, soul and body – is the only way to get the results you crave!

Let’s get clear on what you most want, and move your limiting self out of the way with love, and compassion, to access the unstoppable you!

2021 is the start of leadership change implementation. To learn as much as possible from 2020, in order to build a thriving business, we must wake up!

Sunderland Coaching provides the path to well-being for leaders and their companies – emotionally, physically, and economically. Let’s begin!

Our coaching strategy includes:

•       Strategic planning with actionable visioning

•       Guiding leaders into new agreements with roles that most align with them

•       Providing leaders with a new way of utilizing and accessing their energy and how this energy has been playing a role in their leadership

•       Supporting a deeper understanding of current results and how to chart a new route to sustainable success with greater fulfillment

•       Challenging and establishing the bridge between what leaders say they want and what they actually have

•       Coaching the shift from managing to “Whole Yes” impeccable agreements

•       Implementing a strategy to release fear, anxiety, and frustration in themselves and with others to create stronger communication, creativity, clarity, and connection

•       Shifting leaders to their true authority, then aligning the company with truth and integrity

•       Empowering leaders with an understanding of their internal potential (remove hidden barriers) that attracts clients, opportunities, and abundance, because of this new way of BEING

•       Building a firm foundation that is a place of openness and freedom vs. fear and control... and learning how to let go

•       Creating an acceptance of their own talent and the talents of all involved, so leadership magnetizes and calls in everything the company requires

•       Assessing the present culture status, designing and implementing authentic cultures through deep inner work of individuals and teams that shift drama and siloed work to authentic human connection - resulting in a thriving organization

•       Coaching the shift from stress to joy that creates curiosity, creativity, and most wanted results - truly get what you want

•       Locating the white elephant in the company to address the issues, face the fear, then speak with candor, and listen without judgment - creating a human experience, in order to regain wasted energy that puts effort into creative goals and eliminate gossip

•       Transforming from toxic fear motivation to trust and love, as a beacon of companies to follow

•       Championing meaningful leadership meetings with radical ownership to fulfill strategy

•       Implementing how to be the leader you want to become, stepping into the Genius we see in you - raising up genius-ship, not excellence

•       Establishing unlimited growth that impacts bottom line results

Conscious leadership. Conscious strategies. Living on purpose – Genius Leadership.

Join me to wake up to your one and only you! Schedule a complementary 30-minute call today:



Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.


PODCAST: Conscious Leadership, the Enneagram & A Near-Fatal Accident - The Unique Way Podcast w/ Cortney Ostrosky


PODCAST: Excellence And Why It's Wearing You Out - What's Your Calling? Podcast w/ Miinkay Yu