Your Dream Team

Running a prosperous business as a leader can be overwhelming, especially when you add more people to your team.

Having more impactful meetings — where everyone shares and takes responsibility for a specific outcome with on-time deliverables, collaboration, and clear communication to truly work as a winning team — with fun, joy, and trust is what I would call a dream team. Results, culture, and revenue soar.

So, how do you get out of drama, frustration, isolation, lack of trust, exhaustion, loss of time and energy (revenue), and endless meetings?

CEOs and business owners, your business will only go as far as you go. How are you taking radical responsibility to lead and show up with a clear vision and whole yes, action steps each day?

Here are the first four steps to master building a dream team:

Take radical responsibility. Notice what you’re creating for yourself, inside.

Meaning — what thoughts are you having that you continue to ruminate on that are bringing frustration, anger, fear, anxiety, joy, creative energy, sadness, etc? Notice how you behave when you have certain beliefs about your partner, your child, your business, or your day. How are you unconsciously creating what you want or don’t want? Are you owning the results you have in every area of your life and work? Do you look at the world as for you, and for your learning? Do you notice how your defenses rise in certain areas of your life — maybe when you have the thought that you should be getting a different answer, or someone should be doing something that they’re not, or that you are not being heard, etc? Just notice, with kindness towards yourself.

The world may seem against you at that moment. Just wonder. Accept yourself without judgment that you are right where you need to be. Noticing is the most important step and the game-changer. The first step to radical responsibility is to see yourself and know yourself. How are you reacting inside compared to what’s outside of you? What are you truly believing? Be aware of what is in your control - you.

To take radical responsibility is to know that you are responsible for your thoughts, which bring your feelings, and your behaviors. No one can change this for you. You are responsible 100%.

To embrace your life, and know you are like no other — a gift — and to learn about who you are, who you want to become, and what is here for you to do is radical, conscious leadership.

Curiosity. Are you willing to stop being so attached to how things have to be, or how someone should be responding to you? Are you willing to let go of being right, while clinging to one answer? Are you willing to look at how there might be many options and opportunities to create something greater than what you are already so attached to? Are you willing to learn from the results you have right now? You may not like the results — and are you willing to learn how you created them?

The results you have right now, you are committed to. Whether you like it or not- it is what you have. Be gentle to yourself. Hmm. Would you get curious to wonder and pause right now? Take a deep breath, and allow your feelings to come through you, when you are triggered. Take two more deep breaths. Once you are not in the triggered state, would you be willing to look at how the opposite of your belief could be just as true, or even truer? Once you start to wonder, you get into curiosity and you become less attached to how things or people should be.

Curiosity gives you limitless opportunities and outcomes.

Emotional Intelligence. Are you willing to feel the feelings that come up in your body, when you notice that you are reacting to your beliefs? Your beliefs are what trigger a response in your body and show up as energy in motion (emotion). Would you be willing to own that you are the creator of your thoughts, your feelings, and your behaviors?

Once you start to allow your emotions to pass through your body, instead of stuffing them down, you will be less triggered to make clear decisions. The work is being uncomfortable and allowing our feelings to be in our bodies. We were taught to ignore or push them away. And that is causing us to suffer and have illnesses. We also lack the wisdom of our emotional intelligence, when we ignore or avoid them.

By taking a pause and allowing your feelings to exit your body, which takes no more than 90 seconds with different levels of intensity, you will gain so much wisdom. This is how we access our emotional intelligence. When we no longer hold our feelings in our body, we think clearly in our minds, as we signal to our body that we are safe. Triggers in our body drive a defense that makes our muscles tight, our breath shortened, and as cortisol runs through our bodies, our brain goes on lockdown-this is normal for all.

Once the emotion passes through our bodies, we gain our wisdom — if sadness is there, it says, what is being lost, so something new can step forward? Anger says, what is no longer of service to me? Fear says, what wants to be paid attention to? Joy says, what wants to be celebrated? Creative energy says, what wants to be birthed through me? Practicing being present and aware of your emotions, you as a leader learn to be authentic with yourself, and model radical leadership to your team. You become the chooser of being reactive to your triggers, or gaining the wisdom of your emotions. It's that simple. And you must be self aware.

Being the role model of being fully human invites others to do the same — which builds a very open, connected, and trusting environment.

Candor. Revealing in kindness your thought that brings your feeling, and then your want (held openly) is transformational. Revealing yourself when you’ve had a certain thought about someone or a situation three times or more, frees you of holding on to the thought and helps you to notice what you are ruminating on. You notice how you feel when you have that thought. Also, you realize that you have a want that you might be holding on to. When we are afraid that our wants won’t be fulfilled, we behave a certain way to guard our wants. Might you notice this for yourself now? What is your want and how are you trying to make this a reality? Just revealing what is going on inside of ourselves, helps us to see ourselves more clearly, and allows the energy of holding onto that fear to dissipate. In turn, this enables others to know us more- without them having to change anything, Candor is about revealing. I repeat. Take this moment to notice what you’re relying on for you to be fulfilled and successful is leadership. If it is anything outside of yourself, you will have stress and scarcity. Shifting out of the unconscious patterns that no longer support you is always the inner work of a conscious leader.

Building an organization that brings authenticity and individual ownership is a game-changer for conscious leaders. Individual responsibility brings collaboration and very different results in meetings, teams, culture, and revenue. Practicing to be vulnerable with your teams allows each person to be themselves too and invites them to understand who they are, who they want to become, and what is theirs to do. This creates purpose in a company, a culture that people will run to and an environment that invites sustainable engagement.

Building your dream team starts with you.

How to build your dream team? Learning. Re-learning. Practicing. What are you practicing in your leadership?

Let me know if you have any questions on these steps and how to implement them into your life. For more information on how to invite Conscious Leadership into your organization — reach out. My expertise is coaching authentic, radical leadership, creating new results, a self-aware culture, and revenue growth.

All things are possible when you are present and aware of the many choices that you have.


Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.
"My Genius is Seeing Yours"


Get To Your Purpose


Leadership and the Unknown: Say No to Fear, Yes to Abundance