Work - How Are You Showing Up?

Culture Starts with YOU!


The work is not doing more in order to win the results you want. The work is to notice the state you are in when you are doing your work. Are you coming from a place of anxiety, or frustration when making your decisions and setting forth implementation? This is normal for most of us - much of the time.

However, when we are moving forward without realizing the emotion behind our action, we are already limiting the best possible outcomes. We just get triggered by a thought we have, which manifests our emotion and behavior - it is quick - and also unconscious! Most of the time, we are unaware of what we are thinking, what we are feeling, and how we are acting. This state of being is of reactivity with a negative bias - an unconscious state. From this state, we never will be able to create the result we most want. It's Impossible. We are playing defense, with little to no offense.

Practicing Conscious Leadership is proactively deciding that you want to be the owner of your state of being, to create a different result in every area of your life and work. It is about being present and self-aware to becoming the best possible driver of your decision making. And, it is accepting yourself for having a brain that is biologically set to protect you and will always think the worst of any given situation or person, unless you are aware of this. When present and in the moment, one helpful result changer is to choose to think the exact opposite of your reactive, unconscious thought.

How could this opposite thought be just as true or truer than the one I am upset about? For real! Taking a moment to pause and breathe deeply - 3 times - when you recognize that you’re triggered and your auto pilot thought is running, actually resets your nervous system. This practice also gets you out of your limiting patterns, shifts you to offense, and into limitless possibilities.

Sunderland Coaching is committed to practicing consciousness by applying emotional intelligence, body intelligence, and IQ to access all the wisdom that is available and learning from every unwanted result. Our biggest teacher to learning and growth is understanding how we unconsciously created what we don’t want or don’t have. To see where we are unconscious and to question our hidden beliefs enables us to retrace the steps that took us away from our desired outcome.

Gaining wisdom and becoming a present leader brings inner peace, joy, clarity, wanted outcomes, authentic cultures, and higher revenues. When each person in an organization is committed to being aware of themselves and takes radical responsibility for what they think, how they feel, and the results they have, a foundation of culture transformation occurs. To build a company that is curious and willing to notice how they are working instead of just what they are doing, is the game changer!

To look at everything as a learning opportunity instead of blaming, gossiping, and shaming oneself or another is a practice that creates a trusting and open to all organization - and in this time of "The Great Resignation", a disruptor.

Choose to come back to the biggest power you have - Noticing your thinking and choosing what to believe. Deciding how you want to show up and lead depends on YOU.

Connect with me to learn tools on how to become conscious and step out of your unconscious limitations. Fully live and work with purpose, passion and fulfillment. Becoming conscious leads you to discover your Genius! 

Join me on this journey and set a 30 minutes call with Debra Sunderland today.

Excellence to Consciousness to Genius-ship™

"My Genius is Seeing Yours"

Upcoming Events

Coming Home Retreat
Sunday, October 24, 2021
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Coming Home is knowing your inner being and what lights you up - while knowing how you distract yourself from living in a joyful place, so you may return home. This is the practice of a conscious leader. This practice leads to your genius.

Big Dream Retreat
November 12-14
Details Coming Soon


Stay In Your Lane


PODCAST: Why Conscious Leadership and Why Now?