Understanding and Overcoming Leadership Stress and Overwhelm

Hello dear one,

Today, I want to share insights that are close to my heart—insights that I've found to be true across every organization that I've worked with, regardless of industry or size. Whether it's a billion-dollar company or a startup, many leaders experience a pervasive feeling of lack—be it time, money, energy, engagement, or clients. This sense of something missing is a deeply human belief, but why does it happen and what is the cost?

The Root of Perceived Lack: The Amygdala

The answer lies in our brain. There's a small part called the amygdala that scans for threats, and it is constantly on the lookout for what's missing or what could go wrong in order to protect us. When this part of our brain takes control, which it does 96-98% of the time when we're unconscious, it perpetuates a cycle of fear and stress. We repeatedly tell ourselves, "I don't have enough time, money, clients," and so on. This creates internal stress.

Think about it. When you believe something is lacking, how do you feel? Anxious, tense, frustrated? This manifests physically—in your stomach, neck, shoulders, or jaw. The constant pressure to achieve results, while feeling unfulfilled only exacerbates the stress. The pattern creates more frantic running and a spiral down into a lack of well-being. 

Breaking Free from the Toxic Fear State

I want you to know there's nothing wrong with you, and there's a better way to achieve the results you want with more joy and less stress. In most organizations I've encountered, leadership often operates from a place of toxic fear. No blame here—leaders have often risen to their roles through hard work and determination. However, this relentless drive disconnects them from their true selves. This disconnect doesn’t feel good and many times I noticed that leader’s self-worth becomes attached to their achievements so they never let down their striving. They won’t allow themselves to rest.

Many leaders, from a young age, have felt the need to prove something to someone important in their lives, often their parents. This ingrained belief that they must achieve to be enough drives them to create more opportunities, work harder, and push their teams. Yet, even with all their success, they often feel a persistent void, a sense of lack.

Rewiring Your Thinking

My work focuses on helping these high-achieving leaders, who despite their success, feel unfulfilled. I guide them in rewiring their thinking. Without changing our inner narrative, we remain trapped in a cycle of anxiety and downward spirals. Awareness is key—96-98% of our thoughts are unconscious. We need to consciously examine our thoughts and their impact on our feelings and behaviors. Your results depend on this and every area of your life and work! And sadly, we weren’t ever taught this. This is why I am dedicated to sharing this transformational work. 

When working with leaders, we start by looking at the results they’re unhappy with. We trace unwanted outcomes back to the thoughts and beliefs that generated them. Always, these are limiting beliefs that produce limiting results. To change this, we need to shift our thinking, allow our feelings to pass without them driving our actions, and cultivate a sense of well-being within ourselves and our teams that is not based on what we achieve. 

The Essential Shift: From Anxiety to Well-being

The transformation begins with the leader!  Leaders being vulnerable to learn to shift from anxiety, frustration, defense, and drama to peace, joy, clarity, and trust is a crucial start. This shift is essential yet often unfamiliar! Most of us operate in a constant state of defense, trying to juggle numerous tasks at once. Learning to shift to a state of trust and well-being is the  change agent. Do you know how to do this?

I encourage you to reach out to me for a 45-minute call. Bring a stressful situation, and together we’ll explore the underlying beliefs driving your stress. I’ll provide you with tools to shift your mindset, opening up new possibilities and reducing stress. This shift not only enhances your well-being but also transforms your team’s dynamic, leading to more creative and effective outcomes.

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Creating a Culture of Well-being

Ultimately, the goal is to foster a culture of well-being within your organization. When leaders take responsibility for their mental state and learn to shift from stress to well-being, they can guide their teams to do the same. This change impacts not only professional relationships but also personal ones, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

These practices have transformed the lives of many leaders I’ve coached, improving their businesses, relationships, and overall quality of life. I invite you to take this step towards well-being for yourself and your team. Let's connect and explore how these tools can work for you. Schedule a time with me now.  I trust you’ll walk away feeling encouraged and seeing a new pathway to fulfilling success. 

I look forward to talking with you soon. Take this time - you are worth it! You are not what you do or achieve. You matter.

Joy to you!




True Transformation Through Loving Yourself


How Well-Being Drives Business Success