To Your Merriest of Days and Life’s Priorities


What are your daily priorities?

Take a pause for a moment and inhale deeply. Exhale fully. Three times.

Would you be willing to reflect on yourself and check in with your heart? Are your days being filled with what’s most important to you? Where and how do your priorities rank in your day?

If you’re noticing that you don’t have much time to even reflect - no judgment. Give yourself appreciation for just being here and noticing.

Talking with a tech firm CEO recently, she blurted out that she still had much to get done by the day's end, as she held up a list in front of her and then pointed to a whiteboard filled with more tasks.

I then asked if she would be willing to be vulnerable and survey the list before her. Were these tasks that she genuinely wanted to do - checking in with her heart? She quickly looked at her list and faced me saying, “No, these are meaningless tasks.” I felt her heart drop, and so did mine.

She knew she was meant for more than spending her days checking off a list.

Do you relate to this at all? I know I can! After much success my entire life - from music, to sports, to working for corporations, and as an entrepreneur - I accumulated accolades and national recognition, yet there was never enough stillness inside of me that brought me lasting peace and joy.

Not until I was a competitive cyclist ranking number 2 out of 998 women in the United States, that I finally made a shift to living a purpose-filled life. To be honest, that wasn’t enough, either! It was when I raced my last competition with the last thought that “I will win today“ that I found myself in the hospital unaware that I was about to die. With a severe TBI, a cracked skull, six crushed ribs, and a punctured lung, I was fighting for my life.

I was placed in a coma, and my family was called to say goodbye. Little did I know that my life was about to end.

Looking back on that time, I realized that if I had died, it would not have been scary at all. Being here and now, I realized my life was given back to me to live with purpose - becoming who I was always meant to be, and to serve, doing what I am here to do. I am like no one else - just like you are. And I am more than getting things done and waking up the next day to repeat the same patterns. I get to choose how I want to be every moment. And so do you!

Waking up out of the coma, I realized that I had lived much of my life as if I were in a coma. Completely unaware of my thinking that drove my emotions, my behaviors, and my results - I had success and fleeting fulfillment.

Upon my eight month recovery, I called out to God to show me my purpose and to discover what I’m here to do. I knew for sure that it certainly was not about being the best and winning at whatever I did. In short, I soon realized that I was being called to wake up those who suffered the same daily doings that I did. The ones who were also the overachievers. Those who never fully rest. I am called to work with CEOs and business owners of the highest success. Those who don’t own their own day, their calendar, or how they really want to show up each and every day in the world.

I have become a Genius at discovering what drives people's results (they are unaware of their hidden beliefs) and what keeps them running towards success, but depletes deep peace and lasting joy.

Leaders who don’t need to be running so hard, because they already have made millions or even billions, find themselves not even knowing what’s on the calendar - because their assistant has planned their day, their week, their month, and their year. They usually don’t even know what their day ahead looks like, until they look on the calendar. This to me is the ultimate suffering - Not living the life you're called to each day.

What is this all for?

One day, the calendar will no longer be filled with your name on it.

Will you choose to be the writer of your day?

If any of this resonates with you, set a 15-minute call with me now. My gift to you. My life was spared to wake you up to yours - And my Genius is seeing yours.

Let’s truly celebrate your life and the impact you bring the world this holiday season! And, a developed way to support you - creating a purpose-filled calendar over 90 days that starts January 12th. Learn to go beyond setting empty goals and checking off meaningless tasks and what your hidden barriers are that keep you repeating this cycle.

Twice a month, on zoom, learn the basics of being a conscious leader - And how to apply it to your very life. You will bring the results that aren’t working and gain a new perspective that will change everything in your life! We can talk about this on your 15-minute call with me as well.

To your merriest of days today, and in your future!

Enjoy this day! xxoo

Joy to you,
Debra Sunderland

Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.
"My Genius is Seeing Yours"


[Podcast] From Stress to Purpose-Filled Goals


The Season of Joy