Thrive in 2025

THRIVE in 2025!

What is going to be different for you next year that depends on your leadership to create change?

If you really want to go far, might you consider slowing down to look at what no longer serves you and how you’ve unintentionally created limitations?

One way to notice limitations is to ask yourself - how is the well-being of my organization? My people.

How would you describe your current organizational culture?

Knowing what kind of culture you want to build as the head of your company is highly important. What’s tolerated and what’s not. I don’t believe most leaders stop to think about this.

This is why we have companies that are mostly in overwhelm and stress.

Without a direction on where a company is going in terms of culture …what are we standing for, how we are going to get there, and how will we track/measure …a reactive culture will be the result.

And a culture is built by each person showing up the way they do. How they treat themselves and what they believe will be projected on to others. So raising up self-aware individuals to be responsible for how they treat themselves and others is a conscious culture.

The unconscious mind will always dictate defense, a one way of thinking that leads to a closed culture—“ I am right, you are wrong” perspective.

A conscious mind will be curious to build trust and want to hear others to find even greater ways to move forward —creating the highest opportunities with connection, engagement and collaboration. It’s the only way to have wanted results with a thriving culture!

My experience has been that most leaders do not trust their people . They want things done their way, on their time. This plays out as leaders stepping into the other person‘s space when there is an important decision to be made, or action step to be taken with “a very important client.” And unconsciously the leader takes over for the person who is responsible to care for that client. What this leader is really unintentionally saying to their employee is, “I know better and you might mess this up— and I can’t risk this.” The employee feels discouraged and not valued for their insights, strengths, etc. So they learn not to give their best- their all. A pattern is set.

And on and on this pattern goes.

Until someone finally leaves the organization . But this person will go on to find that the next culture will probably be the same in the next company.

Can you relate to any of this?

Are you truly curious to see how what I shared might be true for you— and discover new ways to implement a radically responsible, open to learn, trusting, compassionate and impeccable company?

The unconscious mind does not want you to see how it is keeping you right where you are. It prefers safety versus growth.

So you are blindsided. Yes, you have blind spots like we all do. The fearful mind will not allow you to see beyond what it is making up right now.

The unconscious mind is based in fear and control.

Stop spinning wheels, and endless meetings that aren’t fruitful.

It’s just that defenses are up! And that can always be solved with conscious tools. 

What is this costing you to continue to run your organization with the same perspective of your people? Please take time to write this out. There is no blame. What is the cost?

Blame is the opposite of taking responsibility.

Blame is avoiding how you might be a part of creating what you don’t want and also the solution to what you do.

I know, without a doubt that I can help you build a prosperous, united leadership team. And they will impact the next set of leaders!

And you need to do your part to practice these transformational tools I will give you.

I will be by your side to support you. The more we practice the more quickly you will turn your culture. The more your team practices, the greater your revenue-from a fulfilling, life giving culture.

Are you ready to be courageous and do your work?

Are you ready to get uncomfortable?

Your expansion resides within your discomfort.

Are you ready to shake things up for the good of all?!

Let’s do this!

Joy to You,



“How often do you get introduced to experiences that change your life at work? Since we started, we decided to invest in ourselves and how we operate as a team. We began our journey with an amazing coach, Debra Sunderland, who has helped us learn not only mindfulness but also how to become more conscious in our leadership. As part of this journey toward becoming conscious leaders, we started meditating as a regular practice, both individually and as a team. We found that not only did we enjoy taking a few minutes during the day to get centered, but also how energizing this activity was. This opened the door to how we could more effectively communicate and collaborate with each other as we delved into understanding ourselves better.”

Yoav Grossman | Co-Founder at | Nashville, TN

“Conscious Leadership training helped transform our team. We were introduced to Conscious Leadership in the middle of the pandemic. The work is extremely personal and different from any other training we had experienced before. It is not about content, it is about the context of your life. If you work the process - which Debra guides you and your team through - its worthiness will transcend your career and you will see changes in every aspect of your life. During the most challenging year, the Turning Pointe team took on a new mindset through the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. I believe it was divinely inspired timing as it gave us the tools to rise above both the common barriers of our mission and all the new ones delivered by the pandemic. Our commitment to awareness will have a lasting positive impact on how we grow our mission.”

Carrie Provenzale | Executive Director

“Initially working with Debra, I soon learned that I was part of the reason that I was not getting the results I wanted. Once Debra showed me how important being a conscious leader (present and curious to learn) is instead of the autopilot baggage cart leader, things started to look up. With Debra’s prompting my senior managers started to gel as a team. We have much work yet to do, but I am finally seeing the leadership potential of each team member emerge. And let’s not forget the work I will be continuing to do with Debra: learning to become the best possible conscious leader of my team! To any leader who has drama and nonsense in the workplace, stop the madness now and improve productivity, worker well-being, longevity, and bottom line by working with Debra Sunderland.”

Peter Holsten | President at Holsten Management | Chicago, IL

“I am happy to have the opportunity to recommend Debra as a leadership and professional

coach. Debra provided coaching to both our leadership team members as well as individuals, and I participated in both. The work is challenging and thought-provoking and it is work that produces results. After group sessions, I noticed the change in how people communicated and how they addressed issues and concerns. Debra guided me to a place of self-awareness where I could identify areas for growth and potential. Her coaching is not a lecture on how to change, but collaborative work on breaking down habits and conditioning to focus on your ability and choice to be a great leader and teammate. Extremely valuable time and experience for leaders and teams.”

Kerry Straub | Investment Management Operations & Senior Manager at Morningstar | Chicago, IL

“Debra has fundamentally changed how I think about leadership, my team, and myself. My leadership team and I started working with her about two years ago. In that time, I've grown into leading from heart and gut - and not just the head. I've experienced more energy and joy in my work. I've learned that the world and events aren't happening "to me" but that my perception of them sculpts my reality. Debra is incredibly empathic, kind, and loving yet simultaneously direct, challenging, and inspiring. I'm proud to say I've shed quite a few tears during and after my sessions with her as I've realized new things or grown in new ways. Our team has a higher cohesion and level of trust than I thought possible in a professional setting. I highly recommend Debra if you have the courage to grow. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.”

Tyler Etters | Vice President at Highland Solutions | Chicago, IL

“I have been working with Debra one-on-one for a few months now. It’s almost hard to put into words the profound impact our work has had on me as a Leader and as a Person. Debra has a remarkable way of leading conversations to help create self-awareness around the source of behaviors and beliefs. Through our collaborations, I feel I have begun a transformative journey with a whole new perspective on what makes a great Leader. I am always excited to meet with Debra. Her compassion for people and her passion to spark change and awareness is contagious. I would recommend Debra to anyone who is looking to go beyond business as usual and make a meaningful impact as a Leader.”

Howard A. Weiss | President at Esser Hayes Insurance Group | Naperville, IL

“I am very grateful for the time spent with Debra. She has been a huge blessing in my life and I cannot overstate her impact. Limiting beliefs that I have clung to for years have been called into question and our exploration together has led me to realize how many things have been holding me back. The lens that I look through now is very different. Possibilities and opportunities appear limitless now.”

Allen Carter | Executive Director at UBS | Chicago, IL

“I began working with Debra two years ago. In that time, I became clear on my own personal "why" and what the true nature of our business is. That clarity has enabled me to lead the organization from a place of curiosity and wondering that has fostered creativity and growth in the business. I am much more focused on the "why" of our business, which is about relationships and connections, than the "how" of our business. As a result, I'm less in the weeds - less stressed, less anxious, and more trusting that "what is" is what "should be." I'm more present to our clients' desires and more conscious of the business dynamics that hold them back and propel them forward. I am more candid, both with clients and staff, and fear less the result of candor, for I know the cost of withholding is far greater. This shift has freed our amazing team to live in their genius - to show up for our company and our clients with all of their abilities. As a company, we stand in who we are much more comfortably today, and we know sooner and with greater confidence when we meet potential clients who will be a good fit. We're protective of our culture and all that it enables, and we celebrate our awesome work.”

LoriLee Sadler Bielski | Managing Partner

“My intent was to hire Debra as my business coach, but what has evolved from our meetings has been a life changer. Due to our shared times, I have made internal discoveries leading to a better awareness of my overall being. This has afforded me the opportunity to make substantial changes in my relationships and how I communicate with my co-workers, family, and friends. It has also led me to recognize my wants and the importance of their pursuit. We have recently embraced “our why” and are adopting the lessons of the Conscious Leadership Group in our workplace and the ensuing cultural shift has been tangible. The team’s energy and attitude are in a growth state and less tension and better communication has transpired. Team members have become more vulnerable and comfortable at our meetings in sharing their thoughts. This has led to insightful contributions which have enhanced our efficiency on multiple levels. The thought of our continued progression towards substantial change is quite exciting and brings more meaning to the workplace. I am looking forward to leading my team, and myself, to a potentially more fulfilling career/ life with the tools and guidance Debra continues to provide.”

Ronald Carr | CEO of Midwest Eye Professionals | Orland Park, IL

“Gravitational field toward best self. Every visit from Debra has left our team in wonder. Her

practices and warmth inspired us. Unlike any other coach I have ever met, Debra redefines the standard of care. She brings her full self to every interaction. The work... isn't easy. The journey… is real. I am forever grateful to Debra for the impact she has and continues to create within our tribe.”

Adam Fridman | Author, Speaker, Founder at Mabbly | Chicago, IL


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