The Path to Conscious Leadership

What I’ve discovered for myself and from coaching ultra-successful business owners and CEOs is this:

We all want to rest, believe that we have enough, be present with those who matter in our lives, have fun, continue to grow our businesses, trust the people who work with us, and truly accept that we are enough and loved.

But what we say we want is typically not what we have—at least in our minds.

We’re often committed to not getting what we want. Crazy, right?

What this means is that what we have right now is our reality—even if we don’t want it. And this is our greatest teacher: noticing how we unconsciously created what is.

We would never do this consciously—limit ourselves.

It’s our unconscious, defensive mind that’s always trying to protect us and keep us from growing.

That’s right! We’re wired to protect against what is different, unknown, and new.

And that means we don’t easily create new patterns, new perspectives—new ways of doing things.

It’s rare that we try new things in business. We tend to keep doing the same thing over and over again, just more of it.

And then we get frustrated that we don’t have a trusting team, higher revenue, more clients, and peace.

This is what every CEO I’ve coached has faced.


Because we’re all the same. We have a brain that wants to protect us and think of the worst. And we haven’t learned how to move beyond that small part of our brain that keeps us stuck.

What’s the way out? How do we truly achieve what we say we want?

This is where understanding the power of Conscious Leadership and practicing awareness in our decision-making, especially when we don’t get the results we want, becomes the path out of our scarcity mindset.

We learn to check in and choose whether we want to believe our autopilot, defensive thoughts that limit us.

We get to feel our feelings all the way through instead of being triggered and making reactive decisions.

We get to trust in the present moments, knowing we have what we need and that we are enough.

And we get to build collaborative, open-communication teams who believe they are worthy and trusted just for being who they are.

If you struggle to trust your team, there’s no blame or shame. There’s nothing wrong with you. This is normal for business owners and CEOs. But it doesn’t mean you have to stay here.

There are new ways to build trust that you probably haven’t learned.

Building trust isn’t about time.

It’s about breaking the patterns that built mistrust in the first place.

Learning new ways to build clear, impeccable agreements and co-create radical responsibility is the way out.

It’s about hearing each other without judgment and being open to the wisdom that you and your teams have.

Consider where you’re planning your year-end from—what will be new, and how you’ll go about building trust and peace.

Are you fearful that someone won’t follow through, won’t pick up the ball, and you’ll be left to clean up the mess?

You are brilliant. Your people are brilliant.

Learning how to create abundant thinking, how to appreciate yourself and your team, to really hear each other and unite toward the same goal, will save time, money, and energy while bringing more joy and peace.

Let’s plan a new way of building your business together! Effective communication starts with you. 😄

Reach out here for your 45-minute discovery session where we’ll discuss how this might be possible for you and your organization.

I also invite you to learn more about what other people are saying about their work with me. Let’s make a change together.

Joy to you!




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