The Leap To Your Genius

Leaders and Overachievers: THIS IS FOR YOU!

The biggest investment you can make in your life is choosing to live your purpose, growing in creativity, and fulfilling the desire of your soul, resulting in abundance in all areas of your life. When you rediscover your passion and the talents that fill you up, it will lead you to work that excites you.

What are you working toward?

Where are you going?

What is your purpose?

Do you ever stop to consider who you are right now? At this very moment? No judgement. Just notice. Think about whether you are growing into the person and leader you want to become.

If you are not intentional about choosing how you are stepping into your genius, you are not thriving; you are merely surviving.

This is normal for most overachievers that I work with. Getting out of the “box of doing” in order to see yourself clearly requires a pause and reset of your moments. How you see yourself and your unconscious, autopilot beliefs, and begin to question them, is the path to freedom, joy, peace, fulfillment and abundance.

In our daily racket – Run! Hurry! Do! Achieve! Win! – we ignore our heart, our soul’s desire, and our reason for being.

So, what is your purpose? I believe you are beautifully created to live like no one else! But are you telling yourself things that are holding you back? Keeping you stuck? Stopping you from being the game-changer in your life and leadership?

Are you committed to living on your terms? To create the leadership and legacy you most desire?

As I know well, we never know when our next breath might be taken away.

Leadership is NOT managing, convincing, or changing outcomes or people.

Leadership IS getting to your Genius – and sharing it with the world.

Leadership IS knowing how you sabotage yourself and knowing how to get out of your limiting patterns that leave you with unwanted results.

Leadership IS seeing the Genius in others and challenging them to join you in accomplishing greatness together. Doing so creates limitless possibilities and results that go beyond what you could ever imagine.

Join me to make the leap to YOUR Genius today.

The first step is to be conscious of your thinking that leads to the emotions, beliefs and behaviors that are holding you back. To step OUT of the excellence that is killing your heart and soul – and INTO your Genius – is a constant practice. Your ego (i.e. your amygdala or the “fear” part of your brain) wants to keep you in what you know. Your ego does not trust the unknown. But you are more than this part of your brain!

MY Genius is seeing YOUR Genius, coaching you to wake up to yourself, and providing you with the tools you need to illuminate your Genius within you.

My life was changed when I nearly died from striving to win a race (to learn more about how I woke up to my life, visit my website). If I had died, I do believe that I had lived my life to the fullest. And, now I am continuing to practice stepping into my Genius. I am living my calling and purpose by waking you up to yours.

I work with CEOs, Executives, Business Owners, and Leaders who want to discover their own Genius, while leading their people into their Genius. Let me support your shift from excellence into your genius. From stress into joy. Aligning who you are called to be with the goals you are fulfilling. Your Genius easily creates the results you want - i.e. your skills, talent and purpose align with your everyday doing, without tiring and exhausting yourself. Your energy is at an all-time high!

To step into your Genius takes courage and compassion toward yourself. If you are not kind to yourself in this way, who will be? If you are brave and willing to get messy, to come out stronger on the other side, I will be here to help you achieve all your goals. So, come as you are, and come ready to rock your life and your leadership.



Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.

"My Genius is Seeing Yours"

Together, let's practice creating your exquisite leadership and life. Join me for ways to practice leaping to your Genius! Click the links below or go directly to for more information and to register.

The Big Dream Retreat

December 3-5, 2021

Conscious Leadership Center

Nashville, TN

Welcome to the beginning of your journey to start living your big dream.

Live the life you're called to live. Be who you are meant to be. Do what you are here to do. Create the life that most will never be brave enough to. Stop the suffering inside your heart. Stop the physical pain inside your soul. Stop the negative thinking inside your mind. Wake up to you! Break your hidden barriers and step into your true genius. Join me and live the big dream. Only 14 seats available.

The Great Resignation Webinar Series

October 6, 2021 (completed)

October 19th, 2021 (completed)

November 2, 2021

November 16, 2021

We are in a mental health crisis, a talent crisis, and a leadership crisis. Join us as we navigate conscious leadership and the culture conversation - what it is, how to define it, and why it is most important now more than ever.

It’s time to step into your genius, invest in radical leadership, and own the culture you have - even if it’s not the one you want. Together, we will shift your culture. Everyone’s health and well-being depends on it. Sound good? If your answer is an enthusiastic heck yes, we’d LOVE for you to join us.

Become the company that talent runs to!


Let's do this! Please click the link below and complete the online form to secure your FREE culture assessment call with Sunderland Coaching. We can't wait to meet you!


Is Your Excellence Killing You?


Stay In Your Lane