Stay In Your Lane - Part Two

Hello my dear overachiever,

Yes, we are still experiencing a global pandemic. Yes, we have moments where the reality of that still stops us in our tracks. Yes, we are all still adjusting to a rapidly changing world, workplace and life in general.

I also find myself in a unique state of observing this moment in time, the circumstances we find our planet in, and a vast array of responses - both intellectually and emotionally. I’m noticing that many people either have a lot of unexpected free time on their hands and are worrying how they will provide for themselves and/or their families, or they are packed to the gills now working full-time from home, AND homeschooling their children. While nearly everyone has been forced to slow down and pull back - we are stretched in new ways. There is tremendous stress and fear - about what and how to manage all of this, and about our very survival. We are easily finding ourselves drifting WAY out of our lane.

Let me remind you that there are still three lanes in life - even during a global crisis.

1. My lane
2. Your lane
3. God’s/the Universe’s lane

Our growth is still to practice staying in our lane. This is about taking full responsibility for what we let our minds run with.
Now more than ever - we need to stop and take a breath, notice and accept the fear and anxiety that may be running in the background - all day long!

It is normal to feel afraid. However, fear that is for us says pay attention and prepare. It’s an alert system. Fear that is not for us is ruminating thoughts, defensive actions, and paralyzation. There are a vast amount of negatives to feed on. The ego wants you to get out of your lane to fix, fight or control everything happening around you. You cannot.

Given that we have so many opportunities to feel triggered in these uncertain times - it’s important for us to be clear on what we can control in our lane.

Ideas to support you:

Limit and choose your exposure to news and social media.

Ground yourself internally FIRST (in the morning with meditation, deep breathing, etc.) before you engage with any news/media and the tasks of your day.

Engage with a maximum of 1-2 trusted sources to keep you up to date on important information.

Commit to what time of day, and for how long, you will tune-in to those sources. Set a timer on your phone.

Look to 3 things you appreciate - morning, mid-day, and before you go to sleep.

Notice when you are out of your lane. You will know that you are when you find yourself anxious, sad, angry, frustrated or fearful. All of these emotions signal that you are veering in a direction that won’t serve you. Steer your mind back to your lane and focus on your journey. What you focus on during this time will determine the journey you have. One of joy, peace and possibility or one of fear, dissatisfaction and defensiveness?

I believe this is a perfect time for all of us to practice getting back in our lane! Take all of the important steps to keep yourself and loved ones safe. Notice the progress happening in the world. Look for all the examples of humanity showing beauty.

Appreciate. Love. Look for the good. Breathe. Deeply breathe.


Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.
"My Genius is Seeing Yours"

Together, let's practice creating your exquisite leadership and life. Join me for ways to practice staying in your lane!

Read Stay In Your Lane - Part One HERE

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