Reflecting Over a Cup of Coffee

Dear CEOs, founders, and leaders,

Here’s to you!

As I reflect this morning over a cup of coffee, I feel the heaviness of the world. I hear my clients in anxiety and overwhelm, as they unconsciously tell themselves, they must keep grinding to achieve. Their “must” is what is causing them to lose their peace and their joy.

When we meet for a coaching session, we question this belief that causes suffering. The hidden and constant running thought that letting any rest occur during work means losing.

I ask you to pause in this now moment. Grab your favorite beverage. Breathe 3 long breaths - all the way in and all the way out.

Please ask yourself “How is this constant moving forward in order to get somewhere costing you your creative energy, your curiosity for limitless possibilities, and most importantly your well-being?”

There is only one you. Taking care of yourself first makes you strong and able to provide fulfillment, purpose, and success in your workday.

Simply checking off boxes and completing goals mindlessly out of habit short-changes you and your work.  

So, I ask you to write down 3 ways on how the opposite is true…That taking a pause and slowing down each day in your work will provide you with greater results and greater well-being.

Most importantly, I would love for you to question your worth. How are you enough by just being fully you? Notice the part of you that doesn’t want to believe that. I wonder if you would be willing to create a new mantra that says, “You are enough no matter what.” Then say it over and over again, until you actually feel and believe it. This reconditioning of your mind is the source of your own inner power and peace. What you think is what you create- inside and out.

To you dear ones! 💜

I’d love to hear how this lands for you and encourage you to schedule 15 minutes with me. You’re not alone. I’m here for you.

Joy to you!




You Are Not Your Results


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