[Podcast] Take Three Deep Breaths

If you own a business, you have stress. Stress often comes from a lack of clarity. The reason we have stress is that the small part of our brain called the amygdala, often referred to as the ego, wants to have all the answers in order to keep you safe.  When it doesn’t it sets off alarms inside of our body

The first step is understanding at we don’t have to let the ego or amygdala run us. Fearful and stressful thoughts will pop into your head, your brain will automatically move into defense mode as you look at what’s wrong, what could be wrong, what might go wrong.  When we’re in defense when the brain is going bonkers and our muscles think we’re at war and someone’s going to hurt us. So our body tightens up.  It gets stiff and rigid and we aren’t even able to really breathe fully.  This reduces oxygen to the brain, preventing us from thinking clearly, so one way to reduce the feeling of stress is to take three deep breaths.

I hope you enjoy this episode!

More Than A Few Words Episode #667 - CLICK HERE

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Debra Sunderland, Dr. Craig Beach, and Stephanie Robinson Of Work Your Purpose: Why You Need To Take Radical Responsibility


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