Pause. I dare you.

Do you believe you NEVER have enough time, money, energy, or satisfaction?

You do more, work harder, go faster, and try to squeeze more into the already overflowing busy day. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. You wake up each day - on auto replay. Looking for a break, while pushing yourself to have enough and to be enough. You don’t stop. Anxious inside, you won’t let yourself off the hook! - Rest is not allowed, without guilt.

What is the answer? 

When will there be a letting go to create inner peace and joy?

When you have finally won your day.

You mutter, “That pattern isn’t really me. I am different. I don’t need to rest.


Most successful CEOs, entrepreneurs, leaders, and thousands of overachievers that I have been blessed to coach and truly know (their inner thoughts, beliefs, and feelings) over the last three decades - all of them struggle with truly accepting that they have enough - and most importantly that they are enough. There is always more, more, more.

Aren’t we supposed to keep going, until we reach the top? But where is that? In order to have it all: love, money, happiness, a thriving family, and constant expansion - we must be the best. Always. No exceptions.

We have come to believe that we really can’t stay too long. So celebrations of all the wins are fleeting. Here - right now - is NOT the place to fully be and enjoy the moment. There is a nagging inner voice that will not shut up. It says - “I have to keep striving to get what I really want. Let me do just one more thing!

So - What is the answer to end this obsession and incessant banter that is driving you nuts?


These beliefs that you have been conditioned to follow and unconsciously act on haven’t been questioned long enough and are causing you to suffer, keeping you up at night, and disconnecting you from what really matters. You are living for the next “hit” to survive. A very temporary feel-good.

You have an addiction to not failing.

I know this. I am this one too.

This is what I have broken free of. This is what I coach the most successful overachievers on - how to break free and believe they are enough even when being still. It’s really uncomfortable to break free - trust me, I know! This belief is killing you. And it almost took my life being the best at all I did. You would never be able to beat me. I was just like you! Read more about my story HERE.

 I discovered there is a sustainable lasting way out to peace and inner fulfillment that far outshines all of the gold star wins.

Care to beat me at fulfillment?

What if the opposite of all you have been believing could be true or even truer?

Test yourself. Before it’s too late.



Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life. 

"My Genius is Seeing Yours"

Together, let's practice creating your exquisite leadership and life. Join me for ways to practice leaping to your Genius!

The Big Dream Retreat

December 3-5, 2021

Conscious Leadership Center

Nashville, TN

Welcome to the beginning of your journey to start living your big dream. 

Live the life you're called to live. Be who you are meant to be. Do what you are here to do. Create the life that most will never be brave enough to. Stop the suffering inside your heart. Stop the physical pain inside your soul. Stop the negative thinking inside your mind. Wake up to you! Break your hidden barriers and step into your true genius. Join me and live the big dream. Only 14 seats available.

The Great Resignation Webinar Series

October 6, 2021 (completed)

October 19th, 2021 (completed)

November 2, 2021

November 16, 2021

We are in a mental health crisis, a talent crisis, and a leadership crisis. Join us as we navigate conscious leadership and the culture conversation - what it is, how to define it, and why it is most important now more than ever.

It’s time to step into your genius, invest in radical leadership, and own the culture you have - even if it’s not the one you want. Together, we will shift your culture. Everyone’s health and well-being depends on it. Sound good? If your answer is an enthusiastic heck yes, we’d LOVE for you to join us.

Become the company that talent runs to!

15-Minute Discovery Call With Debra

If you have questions and would like to talk with Debra 1:1 or know someone else who might be a great fit for this experience, let's chat! Please click the link below and complete the online form to schedule your 15-minute call with Sunderland Coaching. We can't wait to meet you!


Part One of Three: Scarcity Thinking Yields Scarcity Results


Is Your Excellence Killing You?