How Nature Supports Our Leadership

I have noticed most of my life that I feel very different on the inside when I take time to be outside and enjoy what is around me.

And, I make it a practice to get out every day no matter what the weather!

Some of the practices that I have implemented include noticing what is happening in the ever-changing sky each day, the shapes and sizes of the clouds, and the colors that appear as the sun is rising or setting. I am in awe of how the sky is never the same. This makes me smile and smiling heals my body and soul!

I give thanks each morning for all of the universe being held in place while I slept—Like the sun, moon, and the Earth on its axis. The world goes on without me, and I don’t have any control over it. I can actually rest and sleep, while nature proceeds in its beautiful cycles. What a gift! To realize that there is a beautiful power much greater than me is so comforting. 

How about when storms arise?! It is really fascinating to see an ocean forcefully swirling and rise so high to then crash against the rocks. The power and intensity seems engulfing and threatening.

To wonder about the sea creatures safe under the turmoil, as they just go about their moments as usual makes me realize that having a matter of perspective as to which side of the storm I am focusing on is important to how I feel and the results that I create.

Winter. Even though I have lived most of my life in severe cold and snow, and not liking it, I have come to appreciate the gifts of this season.

I notice that many plants, trees, grasses, and even animals tend to go dormant in order to rejuvenate. There is a certain hush across the landscape. 

Although much of nature looks dead, I have realized that for trees and plants to sprout and thrive greater than the year before, they need to give themselves a long rest in the winter in order to blossom when spring comes. This is a friendly reminder to me each year to come inward. Rest more. Be still. The days are shorter and sleep comes earlier. And that seasons come and go. Nothing lasts forever and being in the flow is nurturing to my entire being. For me, the seasons of my life have met me with accidents and injuries, as well as healing and restoration. Joy and sadness. Loss and gain. The more that I am surrendering to what is, the more peace and joy I feel with the present. This has been a huge shift for me, as I used to resist winter and wish it away. Embracing the seasons has brought me so much inner awareness and growth. 

Spring! A spring in my step too. You can actually feel it in the air. You can see how people respond. There seems to be more joy, aliveness, playfulness, and a lightness of step. The thought of being outside more and experiencing longer, sunshiny days is hopeful. The reawakening of newness budding and sprouting into something so beautiful is energizing! The possibility to create a new garden. To meet a new friend for a walk. To visit an old neighbor at an outdoor cafe. Life seems to have a spring in its step and endless opportunities to create more love and notice what really brings me joy. I love to join nature in exploring all that wants to happen through me. 

Summer. For me, this has always been a time of being super active and really making the most of the longer days. Whether hiking, kayaking, running, cycling, or walking, I am charged with being in love with nature. The days seem endless, as the sunlight continues to grow longer. People are eating outside, going to the beach, playing with her their kids outdoors. It’s really a time to be active and feel the sun warming the skin. To be fully alive! There’s a sense of letting down and allowing, a time to create vacations with family and visiting far-away friends. The sense of spaciousness that summer brings allows us to take a break from work and play again! 

What I’ve learned most about nature is that there is an energy that reaches into my soul and transforms me. 

Autumn — Just a walk in the forest no matter what time of year, I sense the greatness of love around us. The tall trees reach to the heavens. The silliness of squirrels scampering about to enjoy their daily life. Hearing the birds sing beautiful songs to each other. Witnessing the display of vibrant trees abounding in their brightest colors - as if they are showing off their best before their long rest. What creative fun! 

I am aware of an aliveness that’s beyond myself. I feel a loving, giving, creative power that warms and calms my entire being. How many gifts there are, if I just notice what is around me? 

I am ever reminded that if I look outside myself, there is always a greater answer that I haven’t thought of yet. If I practice letting go of holding on to how I think people, situations and the world should be, I am able to be in awe and trust more— There is an expansive place to hold all of us — Allowing myself to go there brings me more possibilities and greater joy. 

As a coach, I find it extremely important to support my leaders in the outdoors. Coaching with a walk and talk—getting out into nature. As I discovered during the pandemic, overachievers really did shift from the stress of overthinking and trying to figure everything out outside of the office boxed in 4 walls. What an awesome way to gain a new perspective, feel lighter, and not take everything so seriously. 

And why should we feel lighter? Because when we create heaviness inside of ourselves, we tend to get lost in negative thoughts and spiral down with our own words—Then we feel anxious, frustrated, or disappointed. Trapped wondering what to do.

Funny! I do not see animals outside doing this- ha!  I believe we are designed to be outside for our own mental, physical, and emotional health. Being connected to natural beauty, creativity, and power is free and expansive - and not stuck in the confines of a building. 

As a coach, taking CEOs, business owners, and teams outside is so rewarding - for all. It reminds me of when we used to beg our teachers to have class outside! When I lead retreats we are able to be more connected to ourselves and authentic with others. People become more vulnerable and open to hearing each other too. It is amazing to witness! 

I am really excited to be sharing that I will be taking more leaders and their teams outside more often for retreats and team rejuvenation. Individuals and teams find more balance inside of themself and within their teams. I have witnessed this over and over again. It is such a refreshing gift! 

So, I would love to hear your thoughts on how you are affected by nature. What do you notice about yourself?

Have you ever thought about bringing your team outdoors to connect? Or going by yourself with a coach? I offer a VIP day for a one-to-one clearing and vision setting, and also team realignment. Reach out to discuss and create your custom leadership journey! Set a 45-minute call with me here now.

Looking to the greater good for all of us helps us let go of our attachments as to how people and things should be. What greater good are you focusing on?

To the power of being in nature, that touches our soul!




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