How Do We Build Engagement?

In the journey of personal and professional growth, one of the most significant shifts we can make is gaining a new perspective. At Sunderland Coaching, we emphasize that all things are possible with this shift. However, it’s essential to understand why it’s so challenging and how it impacts our work and relationships.

Our unconscious mind, or ego, clings to familiar perspectives as a means of safety. It resists new ideas and holds onto the belief that our current view is the only right one. This resistance can lead to a fragmented team where individuals don’t trust each other’s perspectives, believing only their own view is safe.

To cultivate a more engaged team, the first step is to invite curiosity about different perspectives. Encourage team members to share their views without the pressure of being right or wrong. Trust is the bedrock of engagement, and as leaders, we must model this trust.

Here are some practical steps to build trust between yourself and your team:

  1. Self-Trust: Leaders must first identify areas where they lack self-trust. Whether it’s doubting your instincts or holding back your thoughts, recognizing these areas is crucial.

  2. Grace and Self-Awareness: Approach yourself with grace and avoid self-judgment. Understand that your ego's resistance is natural but not a barrier to growth.

  3. Challenge Your Ego: Delve into the fears your ego presents and ask yourself what the worst-case scenario truly is. Often, these fears are exaggerated and not reflective of reality.

The areas where you feel most uncomfortable are where your ego resists change the most. Embrace these areas as opportunities for growth and transformation.

By building self-trust, you set the foundation for trust within your team. Trust is essential for creating a thriving, engaged, and well-being-centered organization. If you’re interested in learning more about building trust and engagement in your team, reach out to me. Let's connect for a 15-minute call and start this transformative journey together.

Remember, you are right where you need to be.

Joy to you!




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